Medical Oncologist Consultant • Northampton Northampton General Hospital
Thank you for your interest in the position of Medical Oncologist Consultant
in Northampton
with Northampton General Hospital.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nMedical Oncologist Consultant with Northampton General Hospital in Northampton\n\n To undertake clinical and managerial responsibility for the agreed Oncology specialties and patients. This includes liaison with consultant colleagues, department team of clinicians, other hospital staff and general practitioners involved in the diagnosis and management of Oncology patient. Continuing responsibility for the care of patients in your charge in liaison with consultant colleagues and for the proper functioning of the department in line with the Operational Policy and Strategic Plan (as amended from time to time). To attend and partake in the management of patients through the specific MDT, maintaining national standards and participating in Peer Review. To undertake research and show commitment to entering patients into clinical trials. To share responsibility for the clinical standards of the Oncology service including liaison with other members of the multidisciplinary team and the Centre. To show responsibility for professional standards within Oncology and ensure compliance with the standards required to satisfy national standards and the local quality system. To work as part of the Multidisciplinary Team in the Directorate. To attend national, network and local meetings as appropriate including ECAGs. To demonstrate a firm commitment to clinical governance including participation in effective clinical audit and continuing medical education. Requirement to co-operate with local management in the efficient running of services and an expectation to share with consultant colleagues in the medical contribution to management. To contribute to management within the Trust through the Directorate. To participate in all teaching programmes for medical staff, medical students and other hospital employees as required. There is an introductory teaching programme for the Senior House Officers in Oncology and Clinical Haematology and the post-holder would be expected to and participate in this. Medical student teaching is expanding, mostly from University of Leicester Medical School. To take park with other consultants in the Centre's on call rota. To comply with departmental and Trust policies and procedures. Please see attached JD for further information. This is a permanent Consultant post in Medical Oncology based at Northampton General Hospitals NHS Trust, although some work may need to be conducted at Kettering General Hospital. It is essential that the post-holder should hold the MRCP (UK) or an equivalent qualification and be on the GMC specialist register or will obtain a relevant CCT/CESR(CP) within 6 months of interview. Interview date - TBC Initially, the job plan is 10 PAs and includes 8.50 of Direct Clinical Care, 1.5 of SPA and 1 in 12 On Call (rota) This timetable is an outline only and a final timetable will be agreed with the post holder upon appointment. It does however reflect the broad outline of expected responsibilities. As the service grows and expands there will be an expectation that the post holder is able to work flexibly in line with the new consultant contract. It is expected that most consultants will have 1.5 PAs for Supporting Professional Activities (SPA) in order to support the requirements of revalidation, which include activities such as participating in appraisal, audit, CPD, M+M meetings and mandatory training. Other opportunities to support the department with Clinical Lead roles will result in extra SPA time being paid appropriately. "}