Thank you for your interest in the position of Clinical psychologist 7/8a (Perceptorship considered)
in Wellingborough
with Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nClinical psychologist 7/8a (Perceptorship considered) with Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust in Wellingborough, England, United Kingdom\n\nWe are looking to recruit to a Clinical Psychologist, line managed within the psychology service, based within our Older People's Community Mental Health Team (OPCMHT) in Wellingborough & Rushden, Northamptonshire. Each OPCMHT is supported by a part-time Assistant Psychologist, and has regular trainee placements. Our OPCMHTs offer psychological assessment, formulation and intervention for people over the age of 65 years with dementia, as well as those experiencing distress from emotional disorders or psychosis. There are also opportunities to be involved in staff training, service development and case formulation with teams. The 4 OPCMHTs in the county work alongside the 4 co-located Memory Assessment Services (MAS), each of which has a full-time Assistant Psychologist completing extended cognitive assessments and a comprehensive group programme supervised by a Clinical Neuropsychologist, who works within our Younger People with Dementia service. The 2 psychiatric in-patient units & 2 general hospitals are based in Kettering and Northampton, and are each supported by a full-time in-patient Clinical Psychologist position The OPCMHT post holder will work within an enthusiastic multidisciplinary team to: Offer assessment, formulation and intervention for a wide range of presentations using both individual, family and group approaches Offer Case Formulation and training sessions for staff teams to extend psychological ways of working Offer enhanced neuropsychological assessment for more complex presentations Support the development of a Structured Clinical Management pathway for older people with personality disorder Support the development of Meeting Centres for post-diagnostic support for people with dementia and their families across the county Jointly supervise the Assistant Psychologist (with the Principal Clinical Neuropsychologist) in the co-located MAS for short-term CBT- based intervention & personal development Supervise the Assistant Psychologist for the OPCMHT Collaborate in using outcome information to inform and develop good practice Contribute to service user forums and audit projects to collect data that can inform Trust management, commissioners, users and other relevant stakeholders of the needs of this population NHFT is an integrated primary care and mental health Trust, providing physical, mental health and specialty services in both hospital settings and out in the community. Because we put the person at the centre of all we do, we focus on delivering care that is as easy to access as possible. This means many of our services can be provided at home, work or in schools. We also provide health services to various prisons and detention centres in Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire. NHFT promotes a culture of learning to improve the care and safety of our patients and staff, which focuses on people who enable our Trust to be ‘outstanding’ by supporting opportunity, innovation, development and growth. For further details / informal visits contact: Name: louise Birkett Swan Job title: Consultant in Neuropsychology Email address: Telephone number: 07889301208 If you would like to discuss this opportunity, please contact Dr Louise Birkett-Swan, Consultant in Neuropsychology ( to arrange a time."}