Occupational Therapy Assistant • St Helens Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust
Thank you for your interest in the position of Occupational Therapy Assistant
in St Helens
with Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nOccupational Therapy Assistant with Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust in St Helens, England, United Kingdom\n\n Role As a result of the post-holder being effective in their role, The Trust would expect to see the following outcomes for the Trust, service users and the wider community: Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust as a leading provider of community services, mental health care, physical health, addiction services and learning disability care. Service users receiving a high quality service and one which is free from stigma, discrimination and harm. Staff engaged with the delivery, innovation and continuous improvement of services to benefit service users. Visible and responsive leadership, setting the standard for others and role-modelled throughout the division for all managers The Trust values of Continuous Improvement, Accountability, Respectfulness, Enthusiasm and Support will be embedded across the division for all staff and evident to service users. The post holder will be responsible for assisting in the development and delivery of treatment and care plans where appropriate under the direction and supervision of a qualified Occupational Therapist and in collaboration with the ward manager. The post holder will be required to actively work as part of The Multi-Disciplinary Team. The Post Holder will be expected to work in an innovative way to support the smooth running of the Ward and will be required to offer individual and group activities alongside Occupational Therapy staff and under the indirect and direct supervision of a Qualified Occupational Therapist. The Post Holder will be expected to understand the MDT process and assist in the preparation of Occupational Therapy Reports for this purpose using a Person-Centred Approach. The above post will be implemented according to Trust/Service Policy including local area Service Specification and in line with The College of Occupational Therapists Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct (2015). The Philosophy of Care is based on the principles of Recovery and linked closely to our approach to empowering this in practice whilst reducing restrictive practice. Guidance related to the Professional development of Occupational Therapy Assistants is set out in The Royal College of Occupational Therapy Career Development Framework: Guiding Principles for Occupational Therapy (2019). Mersey Care is one of the largest trusts providing physical health and mental health services in the North West, serving more than 1.4 million people across our region and are also commissioned for services that cover the North West, North Wales and the Midlands. We offer specialist inpatient and community services that support physical and mental health and specialist inpatient mental health, learning disability, addiction and brain injury services. At the heart of all we do is our commitment to ‘perfect care’ – care that is safe, effective, positively experienced, timely, equitable and efficient. We support our staff to do the best job they can and work alongside service users, their families, and carers to design and develop future services together. We’re currently delivering a programme of organisational and service transformation to significantly improve the quality of the services we provide and safely reduce cost as we do so. Flexible working requests will be considered for all roles. For further details / informal visits contact: Name: Angela Roberts Job title: Taylor ward manager Email address: angela.roberts3@merseycare.nhs.uk Telephone number: 01744 415610 Kathryn.knowles@merseycare.nhs.uk Marie.redcliffe@merseycare.nhs.uk Jeff.gallagher@merseycare.nhs.uk"}