Thank you for your interest in the position of Clinical Psychologist
in Melrose
with NHS Scotland.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nClinical Psychologist with NHS Scotland in Melrose, Scotland, United Kingdom\n\n OUR VALUES IN ACTION Care and Compassion Quality and Teamwork Dignity and Respect Openness, honesty and responsibility Band 8A, Clinical Psychologist, Palliative Care Team, 0.4wte 2 years fixed term. NHS Borders Psychology Service is delighted to be inviting applicants for a psychologist to join the NHS Borders palliative care team. This post is 2 days per week on a two-year fixed term contract. We especially welcome applicants who have a background in clinical health psychology and either experience or a strong interest in palliative care. This is a new post in a busy team who are wanting to develop their psychosocial offering and will be based at the Borders General Hospital. You will be part of our NHS Borders Psychology Service where we value and support personal and career growth and offer psychological expertise and intervention to a wide range of clinical areas. NHS Borders serves predominantly a rural population of 115,000 people. We are in easy reach of Edinburgh, the Lothians and Newcastle. The Tweedbank rail service from Edinburgh is a 20-minute walk from the Borders General Hospital. We have people in our team who live in the Borders as well as closer to Edinburgh and the Lothians. The Scottish Borders is a lovely area to live in, with excellent schools, lots of outdoor activities and easy access to Edinburgh and transport links. We welcome visits or discussion about this exciting post. Please contact Dr Caroline Cochrane, Director of Psychological Services,, to discuss further. Please note: As this is a part time post the salary shown will be pro rata* PLEASE NOTE: We cannot accept late applications so please ensure your application is submitted early*** NHS Scotland is reducing their full-time working week from 37.5 to 37 hours per week from 1 April 2024 but with no change in pay. This reduction will also be applied pro rata for part time staff. This advert and any subsequent offer/contract of employment therefore reflects the new working hours. However, as not all service areas will be able to adopt the 37 hour working week immediately from 1 April 2024, you may be required to work up to an additional 30 minutes per week for a temporary period, for which you would be paid, until the service you are working in changes rosters or working patterns to accommodate the new reduced working week. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Hiring Manager. NHS Scotland is committed to encouraging equality and diversity among our workforce and eliminating unlawful discrimination. The aim is for our workforce to be truly representative and for each employee to feel respected and able to give their best. To this end, NHS Scotland welcomes applications from all sections of society."}