Thank you for your interest in the position of Senior Clinical Pharmacist (Advanced Practitioner)
in Bristol
with Connexus PCN.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nSenior Clinical Pharmacist (Advanced Practitioner) with Connexus PCN in Bristol\n\n This is an exciting new opportunity for a Advanced Clinical Pharmacist (ACP) to develop their career in a primary care setting. Connexus Primary Care Network supports over 50,000 patients registered with five GP Practices in South-East Bristol. To further develop and enhance the clinical pharmacy service to the patients of the Connexus Primary Care Network (PCN). To provide clinical leadership, supervision and mentoring to Clinical Pharmacists, Pharmacy Technicians and Clerks working for the PCN. To provide General Management (Clinical and non-clinical) of the PCN Pharmacy Hub located at Brooklea Health Centre. About us Support the PCN and Practices to achieve maximum performance through the Investment and Impact Fund (or equivalent) and QOF including ensuring good working relationships with Community Pharmacy, and supporting Practices to achieve targets for prescribing practice. Provide high quality patient facing services, including cover for the members of the pharmacy team annual leave, study leave or planned sick leave: o Long-term condition reviews - Take responsibility for the care management of patients with chronic diseases where medicine optimisation is required. E.g., COPD, asthma. o Patient facing clinical medication reviews - Undertake clinical medication reviews with patients and make appropriate recommendations for the clinical team on prescribing and monitoring. Through structured medical reviews the post holder will support patients to take their medications to get the best from them, reduce waste and promote self-care. o Opportunity to develop specialist areas of prescribing expertise in line with PCN clinical priorities Ensure that systems are in place for effective care home medication reviews support the Pharmacy Team to undertake clinical medication reviews with patients. Work with care home staff to improve safety of medicines ordering and administration. Provide specialist expertise in the use of medicines whilst addressing both the public health and social care needs of patients to proactively tackle inequalities in health resource usage and outcomes in the Connexus PCN area, . Take a central role in the clinical aspects of shared care protocols, clinical research with medicines, liaison with specialist and community pharmacists. "}