Assistant Head of Commissioning Operations & Contracting • London South West London Integrated Care Board
Thank you for your interest in the position of Assistant Head of Commissioning Operations & Contracting
in London
with South West London Integrated Care Board.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nAssistant Head of Commissioning Operations & Contracting with South West London Integrated Care Board in London\n\n We are currently recruiting to Assistant Head of Commissioning Operations & Contracting permanent role within the Commissioning Operations and Contracting Team. This is an exciting opportunity to lead on managing a portfolio of contracts within a fast paced dynamic environment. Commissioning Operations and Contracting team monitors the procurement and contracting of healthcare provision, goods and services for South West London ICB. We ensure our organisation is supported through decision making with the appropriate governance process in place. We deliver: Technical commissioning as a shared and supportive function with Provider Collaborative and SWL Programmes Contracting and technical commissioning across the ICS for the non-NHS and ICB partner contracts Co-ordination of robust procurement functions to ensure regulatory compliance The role is focused on SWL core community provisions (c. £200m) in addition to a range of intermediate contracts with NHS, Independent Sector and VCSE Providers. The role will deliver on the strategic aims of the ICB, advising decision making forums and other governance arrangements. Responsible for management and oversight of a team of 3, applicants must demonstrate strong leadership skills and abilities. There is a structured approach to development that encourages and supports career pathway and opportunity for progression both within the directorate and across SWL ICB. The postholder will significantly contribute to strategic planning, whilst delivering to a portfolio of contracts and procurements. You will provide and receive highly complex, sensitive, or contentious information, and will engage co-operation of others. Will be required to present to large groups as needed. Working closely with finance, workforce, and strategy to support the triangulation of planning within the wider financial and strategic context, including the Joint Forward Plan. The postholder will undertake a strategic approach to engaging and collaborating with partners across the Integrated Care System (ICS). You will be expected to have a good understanding of financial processes to support in the delivery of procurement and contracting functions You will provide direct line management responsibility in the commissioning operations team. Additionally, there is the requirement support the MDT approach, providing wider subject matter expertise and leadership across the team(s). You will be required to interpret complex data, articulate impacts and risks and formulate or inform solutions as required. Includes qualitative and quantitative outputs. About us Please refer to Job Description for full details Duties and Responsibilities The postholder will significantly contribute to strategic planning, whilst delivering to a portfolio of contracts and procurements. Duties and responsibilities include: Responsibly to define current processes, facilitate discussions and advise colleagues as to how best practice, ensure documentation of those processes as they are agreed and oversee their delivery. Responsible for providing professional expertise to the outcome of the business processes for the Commissioning Operations and contracting team Leading on annual negotiations ensuring application and delivery of a robust strategy for a portfolio of high value/profile contracts. Work collaboratively across the system to deliver robust business cases for procurements and contracts that support and deliver value for money. Leading on co-ordination of procurements ensuring timely delivery. Leading on contract monitoring and oversight promoting collaborative approaches to managing risks across the system. Support senior leads and provider resilience across the contracting portfolio. Providing procurement and contractual advice to support effective commissioning and continuous improvement of services across SWL. Take the contractual lead working with Performance, Planning and BI to implement processes to support system oversight and assurance. Provide contract expertise to Provider Collaboratives to ensure the alignment of system transformation and recovery to contracting as needed. Provide contract and procurement expertise and support to SWL Places Provide contract and procurement and advice to teams and programmes to support formal decision making at SWL Contracting and Procurement Group (CaPG) Interface with finance leads to oversee the management of budgets through the appropriate scheme of delegation. Ensure contracts and procurement details are accurately registered for statutory monthly publication. Matrix working to engage and lead on contractual aspects of monthly performance reporting and assurance. (Operating plan delivery, Finance, Quality, and Performance). Lead on to the analysis of variances, including a root cause analysis of performance issues, using trend analysis and benchmarking as appropriate, that interprets the data and provides recommendations on next steps. Undertake the monthly assessment of risk and performance variances issues with development of appropriate mitigation action plans with providers and communicated. Deputies for the Deputy Director of Commissioning Operations "}