Learning from Deaths facilitator • Aylesbury Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
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in Aylesbury
with Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nLearning from Deaths facilitator with Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust in Aylesbury\n\n Learning from deaths can help providers improve the quality of the care they provide to patients and their families. NHS England We are looking for someone who has a background of governance or patient safety to work with the Medical Examiners Office, Medical Quality Lead and Lead Nurse for Palliative and End of Life Care to help develop progressive and innovative systems to embed learning from deaths, and support the implementation of relevant quality improvement projects across the organisation. Provide advice and support to the corporate and care group teams across the organisation with regard to the Learning from Deaths programme of work.Critically analyse the outputs from the learning from deaths work, ensuring that the work feeds into other trust process for quality assurance, such as the PSIRF.Be involved in the review of the outputs against national guidelines, recommendations of professional bodies, specialist societies and developments within the relevant field.Work closely with the Lead Nurse for Palliative and End of Life Care, Lead Medical Examiner, Senior Medical Examiner Officer (MEO) and Head of Medical Quality to ensure seamless service for the bereaved and that relevant processes are followed.Work closely with the Lead Nurse, Lead ME, Senior MEO, SDU's Clinical Governance leads, Divisional Clinical Leads, Heads of Nursing, Consultant Nurses and Head of Medical Quality.With the Lead Medical Examiner work collaboratively with CCGs, local authorityincluding Coroners and Registrar services. Also, with other Multi-professional Community Services and other stakeholders across the health community. E.g. Leder. Share expertise and help ensure that learning from deaths is embedded into PSIRF and the culture of thehealth economy. About us Main duties and key responsibilities1. Main Duties1.1 Focus on learning from deaths, collating themes and learning, working with Lead Nurseand Head of Medical Quality This Learning will feed into existing trust work streams,corporate objectives and improvement plans to inform future quality improvements.1.2 Be a member of BOB learning from Deaths Network and the National Trust MortalityLeadsPage 2 of 51.3 Ensure that current mortality review processes remain aligned with nationalrequirements and monitor compliance in conjunction with the Lead Nurse, Lead ME,Senior MEO and Mortality Review Group.Provide training on mortality reviews and learning from deaths, to include trustinduction, and dissemination of learning from deaths.1.4 Support a regional approach to learning from deaths and network with neighbouringtrusts accordingly. Work across organisational and service boundaries to improvecare pathways related to learning from deaths for patients, service users, andfamilies.1.5 Be involved in collating regular reports on learning from deaths for presentation atthe trust committees as required with Lead Nurse / Lead Medical Examiner1.6 Support the SDU Clinical Governance leads to use the Royal College of Physicianstructured judgement review methodology for mortality review; identify themes,learning and actions for quality improvement.1.7 Establish an on-going programme of audit to evaluate practice in mortality reviewand develop the service.1.8 Any other duties commensurate with the grade and in line with the requirement ofthe post.2. Practice and Service Development, Research and Evaluation2.1 Assist the Lead Nurse for Palliative and End of Life care and Head of Medical Qualityin the dissemination of learning across the trust.2.2 Be conversant with all Trust and departmental policies and procedures and ensurethat the requirements are met.2.3 Assist in ensuring confidentiality and safe keeping of records; promoting accurateand appropriate record keeping across the multidisciplinary team, dealing withsensitive information.2.4 Attend departmental, divisional and senior nurse meetings, ensuring continuouseffective communication.2.5 Promote the trust as a model of good practice in learning from deaths, leading theway for other organisations in this field2.6 Contribute to the Trusts clinical governance programmes providing expert input onarea of work.2.7 Champion current national work and recommendations relating to learning fromdeaths and translate these where relevant into changes in local practicePage 3 of 52.8 Critically analyse, evaluate research, publications, recommendations of professionalbodies, specialist societies and developments to inform recommendations andadvice given as part of the job role.3. Educational Responsibilities3.1 Provide a supportive environment for all staff (including pre-registration nurses)which encourages learning and professional development.3.2 Contribute to training needs analysis in the organisation, advising on education andtraining needs related to the responsibilities of this post.3.3 Work in collaboration with education and training providers to develop programmesthat promote evidence based care and best practice following learning and actionsfrom mortality reviews.3.4 Identify own education and training needs and ensure that these are addressedthrough the appraisal process with the line manager. Identify own supervisor/mentorfrom within or outside the organisation.3.5 Act as a resource on mortality reviews for healthcare staff Trust wide.3.6 Use computer software to extract and analyse data as required and to develop andcreate divisional/specialty reports and other reports as required in liaison withInformation Services with support from the M & M administrator.4. Patient and Public Liaison4.1 With the lead Nurse be involved in user involvement in the programme of work tohelp develop patient engagement and input and to improve bereavement servicesoffered.4.2 Provide specialist input into relevant patient and public involvement groups. "}