Research Midwife/Research Nurse • Middlesbrough South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Thank you for your interest in the position of Research Midwife/Research Nurse
in Middlesbrough
with South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nResearch Midwife/Research Nurse with South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in Middlesbrough\n\n We are looking for a dynamic and motivated Research Midwife/Nurse to join our Obstetric and Gynaecology Research Team. The job purpose includes making a direct contribution to the successful conduct of the expanding research portfolio at South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. This post is funded by the North East & North Cumbria Comprehensive Research Network (NE&NC CRN). North East & North Cumbria CRN has been established as part of the National Institute for Health Research Clinical Research Network (NIHR CRN). The Networks support and deliver high quality clinical research studies and aims to increase the number of patients taking part in NIHR trials. As a registered midwife/nurse the post holder will also continue to retain clinical skills and credibility by maintaining their practice as per NMC guidance ensuring that professional standards of practice and behaviour are upheld and sufficient practice is undertaken in order to re-validate every 3 years. The post-holder will learn to manage and co-ordinate concurrent research studies with support from senior research colleagues. This will involve providing effective, caring and compassionate services to patients who are participating in clinical research studies. The post holder is expected to complete procedures and investigations according to study protocol as well as Trust and local policies. Procedures include identifying potential participants for recruitment, providing verbal and written information to explain the study, monitoring the participants' progress, and collecting and collating patient data. Procedures will also include clinical practices such as clinical assessment, venepuncture and performing normal midwifery/nurse practices. The post holder will work collaboratively with the wider multi-disciplinary team in the co-ordination of clinical studies and ensure that local, national and international research regulations are adhered to with an express commitment to abide by the NHS values and the Constitution. Please note this post may close at sufficient applicants. About us Please see the full job description and person specification document(s) attached for main responsibilities of the role. "}