Specialist Occupational Therapist • Eccles Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust
Thank you for your interest in the position of Specialist Occupational Therapist
in Eccles
with Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nSpecialist Occupational Therapist with Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust in Eccles, manchester\n\n An exciting opportunity has arisen to recruit 2 x Band 6 (1.0 wte) Specialist Occupational Therapists (OT) to our established Occupational Therapy Team which provides a service across Greater Manchester to service users with a learning disability and/or autism who present with forensic risk or risk of hospital admission. The post will be as part of the Greater Manchester Specialist Support Team (SST) based in Eccles. The GM SST is a multidisciplinary team consisting of Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Psychology, Speech and Language Therapy, and Support Workers. You will be expected to work in all areas of Greater Manchester and liaise with the local Learning Disability, Mental Health and Autism services to develop proactive and preventative risk mitigation support. You will have the opportunity to work within a team of skilled experienced Occupational Therapists who have developed a core and specialized role within the wider team. You will have the opportunity to develop your own skills by working alongside existing therapists who have developed an Occupational Therapy service centered around Model of Human Occupational Framework, in addition to drawing on other frameworks such as Sensory Integration, good lives model and Zones of Regulation. We deliver a variety of OT assessments and interventions to enable a shared understanding of an individual's volition, personal skills set, occupational and environmental needs across a range of community setting and support models with the aim to address barriers to participation and balance, occupational associated risk and reducing restrictive practice where possible. We also offer advice and consultation and training to external agencies. The service is very supportive of training opportunities to ensure that we continue to be aware of new developments which can be adapted and developed to support our service users. There are frequent opportunities to input into GM SST service development initiatives and represent the team in GM-wide projects. You will receive regular clinical supervision from the Lead Occupational Therapist in the Specialist Support team and will also have access to direct and peer supervision from Sensory Integration Practitioners. We also have strong links with Occupational Therapists within Mersey care Community Learning Disabilities Team and secure services. About us See job detailed job description and person specification. Amendments from JD/PS attached as below: Post is accountable and responsible to Highly Specialist Occupational Therapist and Operational Team Manager, GMSST. The post does not involved care co-ordination as this is not a role within GMSST. However, the post holder will be required to manage their own caseload and be clinically accountable for their work. Supervision responsibilities will be to provide student placement, alongside OT colleagues and to provide support and supervision around casework for support workers within GMSST. "}