Thank you for your interest in the position of Paediatric Advanced Clinical Practitioner
in Camberley
with Surrey Heath Community Providers Ltd.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nPaediatric Advanced Clinical Practitioner with Surrey Heath Community Providers Ltd in Camberley, Surrey\n\n This role is an exciting opportunity for an experienced paediatric advanced clinical practitioner (PACP) with existing prescribing skills to join our Primary Care Network (PCN). You will support our local GP Practices with the provision of additional patient access on Saturdays and weekday evenings, working from a rotating site across our 7 GP Practices. You will work under a Fixed Term Contract. Your work will primarily be focussed on urgent and on the day appointments, but may include some routine general practice appointments depending on the needs of the PCN/practices and your skillset and experience. You will support core general practice capacity and work as part of a positive, proactive and collaborative primary care clinical team supporting children aged 0-17 years in Surrey Heath.You will be experienced in general practice and be able to work autonomously, managing a caseload of booked appointments for on-the-day and urgent care needs, with minimal indirect supervision from the onsite GP under a Primary Care Consultant model.You will need to be skilled in providing urgent care and minor illness management and providing support to children with long term conditions. You will be able to expertly manage an identified caseload or cohort(s) of patients and presenting complaints; providing care for the presenting patient from initial history taking, clinical assessment, diagnosis, treatment and evaluation of care, demonstrating safe, competent clinical decision-making and expert care evidence-based care. About us Please refer to Supporting Documents for full Job Description, list of responsibilities and Person Specification "}