Thank you for your interest in the position of 0-19 Admin Hub SCPHN Practitioner (Health Visitor)
in Wellingborough
with Northamptonshire Healthcare Foundation Trust.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\n0-19 Admin Hub SCPHN Practitioner (Health Visitor) with Northamptonshire Healthcare Foundation Trust in Wellingborough\n\n NHFT is offering the opportunity to an enthusiastic SCPHN Health Visitor to provide Public Health Nursing services through the 0-19 Admin Hub. We are looking for a motivated SCPHN Health Visitor who is able to provide evidence based advice and information, signposting and social prescribing via a range of contact methods including telephone, text messages, emails and 0-19 Live Chat to children, young people and their families. As a first point of contact you must be able to give a good first impression of the service through excellent communication skills, empathy, conflict resolution, and remaining calm under pressure. You will need to have a good working knowledge of the wider services available for children, young people and families both internally in NHFT and beyond. In a busy and high pressured environment you must be efficient at triaging and prioritising the clinical need coming through the 0-19 Admin Hub to ensure safe and effective service delivery. You must be confident in giving advice on a variety of topics across the 0--19 age range including but not exclusive to; breast feeding, introducing solids, child development, childhood illnesses, immunisations, weight management, parenting, sexual and mental health. You will also need to be able to liaise with other professionals who use the Hub as the front door to the service. You must be willing and motivated to support and provide regular supervision to the 0-19 administrators, enabling reflective practice, learning and development to individuals and the team as a whole. The Admin Hub opening hours will need to be covered from 08.00 to 17.00 primarily Monday- Friday by the 0-19 duty health visitors. About us For further information on the advertised role, please refer to the job description located under the Supporting Documents heading. The full person specification can be accessed under the About You Section of the document. "}