Education Mental Health Practitioner • Northampton Northamptonshire Healthcare Foundation Trust
Thank you for your interest in the position of Education Mental Health Practitioner
in Northampton
with Northamptonshire Healthcare Foundation Trust.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nEducation Mental Health Practitioner with Northamptonshire Healthcare Foundation Trust in Northampton\n\n As a qualified EMHP, you will be expected to work as part of a dynamic team in a creative environment where evidence-based interventions, new ideas, ways of working and supporting children and young people are actively encouraged. This approach requires flexibility and adaptability, and above all a passion for working with children and young people in the community and educational settings. The post-holder will already have developed knowledge and practice skills to employ a range of evidence based interventions for common mental health problems via direct individual and group support for children, young people and their parents. The EMHP role will: Work closely alongside a team of mental health professionals delivering a wide range of evidence informed interventions. Employ developed evidence-based skills to work directly with children, young people and families. Employ developed evidence-based skills to carry out holistic and child-centered mental health assessments, including risk assessments. Employ developed evidence-based skills to facilitate parenting programmes. Offer Whole School Approach within education settings. Manage consultation with education settings and be able to carry out and feedback audits. Be part of an MDT screening referrals. The EMHP is required to : Have the relevant CWP or EMHP, PWP Post Graduate Diploma qualification following the completion of a CYP IAPT approved training in Evidence -Based Psychological Treatment for Children Young People (C&Y IAPT) (successful completion of the HEE commissioned 1 year 'Education Mental Health Practitioner' course). Or Children's Wellbeing Practitioner (CWP) CYP-IAPT qualification Evidence of continuing Professional Development and commitment of ongoing learning. Experience of working with children and young people, their families and others. Experience of working and liaising with a wide variety of agencies and stakeholders Experience of working with children and young people who have social, emotional and/or mental health difficulties About us For further information on the advertised role, please refer to the job description located under the Supporting Documents heading. The full person specification can be accessed under the About You Section of the document. "}