Vehicle Preparation Operative - Nottinghamshire • Nottinghamshire East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust
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in Nottinghamshire
with East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nVehicle Preparation Operative - Nottinghamshire with East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust in Nottinghamshire\n\n We are currently looking to recruit x1 person with a passion for supporting our frontline ambulance colleagues to help prepare ambulance vehicles ready for duty. This role will work in our new Make Ready Vehicle Preparation Service which delivers supporting services to clean and replenish ambulance vehicles so that they are ready for operational duty. This process operates similarly to a production line or formula one pitstop and this role play a critical part in cleaning, restocking and undertaking running repairs on our ambulance fleet. What we need from you... We need an individual who is capable of following a complex process with a keen eye for detail/quality. The individual will need to be able to respond to competing priorities to ensure our ambulance crews start duty without delay. The role will require the individual to work in a manual process environment with a mix of indoor and outdoor working. You must be able to work under pressure, on own initiative, unsupervised, making appropriate decisions where necessary to ensure the process is completed effectively and efficiently. Finally, we need the motivation to ensure reputable quality work is undertaken for the ultimate benefit of patients. The Vehicle Preparation Operative role is pivotal in bringing together all aspects of ambulance cleanliness, inventory and vehicle preparation to provide to ensure clinical colleagues can be ready for duty within minimal delay on a day to day basis. You will be responsible and accountable for ensuring that:- Vehicles and equipment are clean and ready to meet the stated daily operational requirement with emphasis on:o The mechanical condition of the vehicle and its roadworthiness.o The correct scale of stocking of clinical equipment and consumablesincluding medications.o All Make Ready quality standards set by the Trust are met.o The deep cleaning programme for vehicles is coordinated with the vehicleservicing schedule.o Any requests for the operational movement of vehicles and equipment isundertaken.o Medical consumable stores are adequately stocked and replenished About us Main responsibilities: Through effective collaboration with others; 1. Work in collaboration with fleet colleagues to ensure the operational serviceability of the vehicle fleet by undertaking vehicle inspection and minor running repairs to vehicles; 2. Consistent standards of vehicle preparation 24/7; 3. Produce timely and accurate data reporting of vehicle preparation tasks; 4. To ensure effective communications with staff and their representatives; Identify and minimise interpersonal conflict Job Title Vehicle Preparation Operative Accountability Vehicle Preparation Supervisor Review Date This job description is subject to periodic revision following discussionwith the post holder and A4C Job Evaluation; 5. Maintain a continuous focus to reduce and maintain low levels of out of service vehicles; 6. Reduced occurrences of avoidable late finishes by ensuring vehicles are readily prepared for operational staff coming on duty; 7. Contribute to the Out of Service Vehicle Procedures; 8. Monitor and escalate extended occurrences of elongated times out of service to the Regional Operations Manager; 9. Proactively support to crews to return to operational duty as soon as possible; 10.Perform such duties of either a higher or lower rank as may be reasonable from time to time; 11.To ensure adherence to Health and Safety at Work Act; 12.To ensure adherence to directions as published in Routine Instructions; 13.To develop oneself within the job and be proactive in identifying own professional development needs; 14.To contribute towards the development and review of the training needs of own peers and colleagues; 15.To provide professional advice and assistance in training of Trust employees as appropriate; 16.Attend any course the Service deems necessary for individual and/or organisational development; 17.Perform any other reasonable duties as may be assigned from time to time by your Line Manager; 18.To ensure adherence to the Trusts Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures; 19.To take part in the Trust's Appraisal Scheme as an appraisee; 20.To attend meetings and conferences to represent the Trust when requested; 21.To maintain confidentiality at all times; 22.To participate in major incidents and relevant exercises as required. "}