Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner • Colchester Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust
Thank you for your interest in the position of Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner
in Colchester
with Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nPsychological Wellbeing Practitioner with Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust in Colchester\n\n Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner, 12 month fixed term contract An opportunity exists for highly motivated and enthusiastic, qualified NHS Talking Therapies compliant psychological wellbeing practitioners (PWPs) who share our passion for great patient care and making a difference, to apply for roles within our busy NHS Talking Therapies service based in NE Essex. The post holders will work alongside a large team that includes other psychological wellbeing practitioners, cognitive behavioural therapists, primary care counsellors/therapists who provide a range of NICE approved therapeutic interventions for depression and anxiety disorders. This is a demanding but well supported position. We are particularly keen to hear from applicants who have a commitment to working in the local region, from those with diverse backgrounds and from people who bring lived experience relevant to mental health work. The successful applicants will be skilled and experienced in dealing with assessment and treatment provision for clients requiring Step 2 interventions, highly motivated with the ability to organise and prioritise their own workload and have completed an approved NHS Talking Therapies compliant training. Postholders will: Accept referrals via agreed protocols within the service. Assess and support people with a common mental health problem in the self-management of their recovery. Undertakes patient - centred interviews which identifies areas where the person wishes to see change and or recovery and makes an accurate assessment of risk to self and others. Provide a range of information and support for evidence based high volume low - intensity psychological treatments. This may include guided self - help computerised CBT, information about pharmacological treatments. This work may be face to face, telephone or via other media. About us The post-holder will Hold an NHS Talking Therapies compliant Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner qualification from a training programme that is accredited by the British Psychological Society. Offer evidence-based practice in facilitated self-help, computerised CBT and stress management groups Work within the NHS Talking Therapies service providing high volume low intensity interventions which will be a range of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) based self-management interventions to clients with mild to moderate anxiety and depression. Adhere to an agreed activity contract relating to the number of client contacts offered, and clinical sessions carried out per week in order to minimise waiting times and ensure treatment delivery remains accessible and convenient. Attend multi-disciplinary meetings relating to referrals or clients in treatment, where appropriate. "}