Thank you for your interest in the position of Paediatric Staff Nurse - Bank
in walsall
with Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nPaediatric Staff Nurse - Bank with Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust in walsall\n\n PLEASE DO NO APPLY IF YOU REQUIRE SPONSORSHIP AS THIS IS A BANK POSITION. The Paediatric Department at Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust consists of a 21 bedded General Paediatric Ward, which takes medical, surgical (including day case) and high dependency patients. A busy 6 bedded Paediatric Assessment Unit, an integrated Community Children's team and Children's Outpatients department. We are looking for an experienced enthusiastic, motivated children's nurses who are able to work autonomously as well as part of a team; who is keen to develop and assist us to take the service forward. We require an individual with a team working approach who will be flexible to our service needs and passionate about delivering high quality care. In return we will offer a structured development package and the opportunity to be a valued member of our team. As and when required About us Undertake the provision of nursing care with support from senior colleagues. May develop the skills and competencies to perform additional skills. Will assist in the supervision of junior nursing staff and, where applicable, the teaching of learner nurses. Will be acquired to participate in the implementation of audit and quality initiatives. Act in a manner that upholds the values of the Trust and that of the professions. "}