Infection Prevention Nurse • London Central London Community Health Trust
Thank you for your interest in the position of Infection Prevention Nurse
in London
with Central London Community Health Trust.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nInfection Prevention Nurse with Central London Community Health Trust in London\n\n Are you looking to join a dynamic team who are focused on supporting high quality, safe and effective healthcare for patients? Would you like to work in a role that provides varied community work and professional development opportunities? An exciting opportunity has arisen for aspiring Infection Prevention and Control Nurses to join our self-motivated evolving team. The Infection Prevention team provides clinical and technical support to our clinicians, services, divisions and to wider CLCH organisation. We are focused on supporting the delivery of high quality, safe and effective healthcare to our patients. If you have broad clinical experience, a passion for providing a high quality, safe and effective patient care and an interest on how infection prevention and control is proved to be an integral part of patient care, then this may be your awaited opportunity. You may not have worked in a community trust before but if you are thinking it is the tedious option, then take a moment to reflect on what great opportunity you would be missing. Our service covers in-patient rehabilitation beds, community nursing, out-patients care, day surgery, walk in centres, children's services, sexual health services, dental services, podiatry, other specialist services and much, much more. These roles provide an opportunity to collaborate and work in partnership with a huge array of clinical specialist services and teams not only within the trust but also extends to a broad range of external stakeholders and integrated care system. These posts will work with an allocated geographical division however, the team operates an agile working strategy across five operational divisions where service is required. About us **Please refer to job description, person specification and trust values, for outline of skills, knowledge and experience required.** "}