Clinical Lead - Women's Health Place GP Lead • Woking Surrey Heartlands ICB
Thank you for your interest in the position of Clinical Lead - Women's Health Place GP Lead
in Woking
with Surrey Heartlands ICB.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nClinical Lead - Women's Health Place GP Lead with Surrey Heartlands ICB in Woking\n\n The Women's Health Place GP Lead for Surrey Heartlands will join the Women's Health Team and provide clinical leadership for the transformation of primary care pathways to meet the specific population needs of Surrey Heartlands. The successful post holder will work alongside the other Women's health place-based GP leads to champion the women's health strategy agenda. There are four roles available, one to cover each place within Surrey Heartlands; Surrey Downs, North West Surrey, East Surrey and Guildford and Waverley. Provide clinical leadership and support for transformation of primary care within the area of Women's Health o Assist in the development of the Surrey Heartlands GP workforce in the assessment and management of Women's health issues in the community. o Work with clinical and managerial leads to improve Women's Health services and deliver them in line with the Long Term Plan and Women's Health Strategy. o Provide a healthy and robust challenge to partners across SH ICS, with the aim of improving patient care and experience. o Undertake engagement with health and care professionals and relevant stakeholders to ensure wider support for improvements. o Work alongside the other GP place leads to provide professional support, leadership, and specialist advice for Place-based and ICS Clinical Leads. About us Please see the job description and the person specification documents attached within this job advert. "}