Thank you for your interest in the position of Oncology Homecare Nurse
in Wandsworth
with LloydsPharmacy Clinical Homecare.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nOncology Homecare Nurse with LloydsPharmacy Clinical Homecare in Wandsworth\n\n Being an Oncology Homecare nurse at LloydsPharmacy Clinical Homecare is more than just a job. You will have direct impact on peoples lives, meeting the evolving needs of our patients. This role allows you take away the stressful journey, car parking and long appointment waiting times within a hospital setting from the patient and their families/carers/friends. Our nurses are the heroes behind the frontline. You will be working at the forefront of our services. You will see Oncology patients within the comfort of their own home or in one of our Oncology mobile units or clinics if you live within the area. You will be seeing patients for bloods, toxicity assessments, IV chemotherapy, oral chemotherapy, pump disconnections, line care, IM/SC injections and more. Our focus is clinical excellence, so as a company we will provide you with all the support you require to give your patients quality 1 to 1 care but you also have the benefits of working autonomously. To succeed in this role, you will be an experienced nurse with a valid NMC PIN with either a formal Oncology qualification, SACT passport or inhouse Oncology training to administer SACT (Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapy) cannulation and venepuncture competency and an experience of administering all routes of SACT.You will display a high level of care and empathy to help our patients achieve their goals and regain their independence. You will be well-organised and comfortable managing your own workload and itinerary, basic IT skills are required. In addition, extensive travelling will be required between patients, so a full UK driving license is essential. Your working day includes the travel to and from your patients. About us Being an Oncology Homecare Nurse LloydsPharmacy Clinical Homecare is more than just a job. You will have direct impact on peoples lives, meeting the evolving needs of our patients. This role allows you take away the stressful journey, car parking and long appointment waiting times within a hospital setting from the patient and their families/carers/friends. Our nurses are the heroes behind the frontline. You will be working at the forefront of our services. You will see Oncology patients within the comfort of their own home or in one of our Oncology mobile units or clinics if you live within the area. You will be seeing patients for bloods, toxicity assessments, IV chemotherapy, oral chemotherapy, pump disconnections, line care, IM/SC injections and more. Our focus is clinical excellence, so as a company we will provide you with all the support you require to give your patients quality 1 to 1 care but you also have the benefits of working autonomously. "}