Perinatal Occupational Therapist • Radlett Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust
Thank you for your interest in the position of Perinatal Occupational Therapist
in Radlett
with Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust.
This is a video practice interview and we use your
computer's webcam & microphonedevice's cameraphone's camera
to record your answers.
We record your answers one at a time.
The whole thing should take you less than five minutes.
Interview Progress What to expect
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You've already answered some of these questions.
marked the ones that you've done with a check
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First, we'll enable your camera & microphone and then ask you to record a short introduction about yourself, about 30 seconds long, to make sure your camera is working ok.
Then, we'll ask you to answer one or more questions of your choice from the list below:
1. Can you describe your experience with perinatal mental health and how it informs your practice as an occupational therapist? Can you describe your experience with perinatal mental health and how it informs your practice as an occupational therapist?
2. How do you approach conducting occupational therapy assessments for clients who may be experiencing significant emotional distress? How do you approach conducting occupational therapy assessments for clients who may be experiencing significant emotional distress?
3. Can you provide an example of a specific intervention you have implemented that was particularly effective for an individual in a perinatal setting? Can you provide an example of a specific intervention you have implemented that was particularly effective for an individual in a perinatal setting?
4. Discuss a time when you had to adapt your occupational therapy techniques to suit the individual needs of a service user. What was the outcome? Discuss a time when you had to adapt your occupational therapy techniques to suit the individual needs of a service user. What was the outcome?
5. Can you explain your experience working as part of a multi-disciplinary team? How do you ensure effective communication and collaboration with colleagues from other disciplines? Can you explain your experience working as part of a multi-disciplinary team? How do you ensure effective communication and collaboration with colleagues from other disciplines?
6. In your opinion, what role does the occupational therapist play in supporting service users and their families within a multi-disciplinary care plan? In your opinion, what role does the occupational therapist play in supporting service users and their families within a multi-disciplinary care plan?
7. Describe a challenging situation you encountered while working with a service user’s family or carers and how you resolved it. Describe a challenging situation you encountered while working with a service user’s family or carers and how you resolved it.
8. How do you keep your skills and knowledge up to date within the field of occupational therapy, particularly in relation to perinatal health? How do you keep your skills and knowledge up to date within the field of occupational therapy, particularly in relation to perinatal health?
9. Can you discuss your experience with the Band 5 OT Development Programme or similar professional development frameworks? Can you discuss your experience with the Band 5 OT Development Programme or similar professional development frameworks?
10. What strategies do you use for self-reflection and professional growth in your practice? What strategies do you use for self-reflection and professional growth in your practice?
11. What ideas do you have for developing the Occupational Therapy service provision within our Trust, especially concerning perinatal clients? What ideas do you have for developing the Occupational Therapy service provision within our Trust, especially concerning perinatal clients?
12. Can you describe a past experience where you participated in the evaluation or audit of clinical pathways? What did you learn from that process? Can you describe a past experience where you participated in the evaluation or audit of clinical pathways? What did you learn from that process?
13. How would you approach monitoring and evaluating treatment effectiveness for a caseload of perinatal clients? How would you approach monitoring and evaluating treatment effectiveness for a caseload of perinatal clients?
14. How do you ensure that your practice respects and promotes the individuality, values, and cultural diversity of service users? How do you ensure that your practice respects and promotes the individuality, values, and cultural diversity of service users?
15. Can you provide an example of how you have addressed or planned for specific cultural or religious needs in your practice? Can you provide an example of how you have addressed or planned for specific cultural or religious needs in your practice?
16. Describe a time when you had to manage a crisis involving a service user, particularly one with mental health issues. What steps did you take and what was the outcome? Describe a time when you had to manage a crisis involving a service user, particularly one with mental health issues. What steps did you take and what was the outcome?
17. How do you approach risk assessment in your practice, especially when dealing with distressed individuals? How do you approach risk assessment in your practice, especially when dealing with distressed individuals?
18. How do you manage your time effectively to ensure you maintain a balance between clinical responsibilities and administrative tasks? How do you manage your time effectively to ensure you maintain a balance between clinical responsibilities and administrative tasks?
19. What experience do you have with maintaining clinical records, and why do you think this is important in occupational therapy? What experience do you have with maintaining clinical records, and why do you think this is important in occupational therapy?
The preview image will be black while recording; please just continue to record your answer as normal.
Interview Summary •
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Role:Perinatal Occupational TherapistinRadlett
Interviewed on Sunday 2 March 2025
at 15:32.
If everything looks good then click below to send your
Your interview will also be saved to your account.
jbnsWbNEHertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust{"required":[],"optional":[{"id":"que6CJp0","grouping":"Clinical Skills and Experience","question":"Can you describe your experience with perinatal mental health and how it informs your practice as an occupational therapist?"},{"id":"queKv5BD","grouping":"Clinical Skills and Experience","question":"How do you approach conducting occupational therapy assessments for clients who may be experiencing significant emotional distress?"},{"id":"que0TmWE","grouping":"Clinical Skills and Experience","question":"Can you provide an example of a specific intervention you have implemented that was particularly effective for an individual in a perinatal setting?"},{"id":"queVyM1t","grouping":"Clinical Skills and Experience","question":"Discuss a time when you had to adapt your occupational therapy techniques to suit the individual needs of a service user. What was the outcome?"},{"id":"queM0624","grouping":"Collaborative Work","question":"Can you explain your experience working as part of a multi-disciplinary team? How do you ensure effective communication and collaboration with colleagues from other disciplines?"},{"id":"quexjOF9","grouping":"Collaborative Work","question":"In your opinion, what role does the occupational therapist play in supporting service users and their families within a multi-disciplinary care plan?"},{"id":"quekiLkF","grouping":"Collaborative Work","question":"Describe a challenging situation you encountered while working with a service user’s family or carers and how you resolved it."},{"id":"queq6X5U","grouping":"Professional Development","question":"How do you keep your skills and knowledge up to date within the field of occupational therapy, particularly in relation to perinatal health?"},{"id":"quePJUOR","grouping":"Professional Development","question":"Can you discuss your experience with the Band 5 OT Development Programme or similar professional development frameworks?"},{"id":"queI44Nh","grouping":"Professional Development","question":"What strategies do you use for self-reflection and professional growth in your practice?"},{"id":"queHF7CA","grouping":"Service Development and Improvement","question":"What ideas do you have for developing the Occupational Therapy service provision within our Trust, especially concerning perinatal clients?"},{"id":"ques9M0N","grouping":"Service Development and Improvement","question":"Can you describe a past experience where you participated in the evaluation or audit of clinical pathways? What did you learn from that process?"},{"id":"quemDaDj","grouping":"Service Development and Improvement","question":"How would you approach monitoring and evaluating treatment effectiveness for a caseload of perinatal clients?"},{"id":"queqVfIa","grouping":"Diversity and Inclusion","question":"How do you ensure that your practice respects and promotes the individuality, values, and cultural diversity of service users?"},{"id":"quevHzdh","grouping":"Diversity and Inclusion","question":"Can you provide an example of how you have addressed or planned for specific cultural or religious needs in your practice?"},{"id":"queJ1Bn2","grouping":"Crisis Management","question":"Describe a time when you had to manage a crisis involving a service user, particularly one with mental health issues. What steps did you take and what was the outcome?"},{"id":"que76Ykd","grouping":"Crisis Management","question":"How do you approach risk assessment in your practice, especially when dealing with distressed individuals?"},{"id":"queTosmU","grouping":"Practical Considerations","question":"How do you manage your time effectively to ensure you maintain a balance between clinical responsibilities and administrative tasks?"},{"id":"quejScuD","grouping":"Practical Considerations","question":"What experience do you have with maintaining clinical records, and why do you think this is important in occupational therapy?"}]}
{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nPerinatal Occupational Therapist with Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust in Radlett\n\n To provide Occupational Therapy assessment and treatment interventions for a specified service user group, to carry a caseload as a member of a multi-disciplinary team and to develop the Occupational Therapy service provision within the setting. All staff should comply with the Trust's Anti-Discriminatory Statement, Employee Charter, Trust Policies and Procedures, Code of Conduct and Equality and Diversity. To manage a caseload, using evidence based/client principles to assess, plan, implement and evaluate interventions in hospital and community settings and on home visits. To maintain clinical records. To develop skills and knowledge through participation in the Band 5 OT Development Programme and competency framework. To gain experience through involvement with Band 5 OT's in the Trust and the wider perinatal network. To plan and implement individual and/or group interventions, in collaboration with the service user, using graded activity to achieve therapeutic goals. To undertake occupational therapy assessments for a designated caseload, addressing occupational performance and skill deficits, enabling the service user in areas of self-maintenance, productivity and leisure. To work with service users to identify OT goals as part of the overall care plan. About us To manage a caseload, using evidence based/client principles to assess, plan, implement and evaluate interventions in hospital and community settings and on home visits. To maintain clinical records. To develop skills and knowledge through participation in the Band 5 OT Development Programme and competency framework. To gain experience through involvement with Band 5 OTs in the Trust and the wider perinatal network. Working Relationships and Communication Requirements of the Job Working Relationships To work with other team members in the setting. To work with service users and carers within the setting. To liaise with voluntary or other organisations as appropriate . Communication Requirements To establish effective communication networks with users and carers, team members, OT colleagues and other agencies. To participate or work as a member of the multidisciplinary team, contributing to decisions with regard to service user care programmes. To provide support and education to service users and carers regarding aspects of occupational therapy e.g. changing of roles and routines upon becoming a parent Clinical Responsibility To plan and implement individual and/or group interventions, in collaboration with the service user, using graded activity to achieve therapeutic goals. To undertake occupational therapy assessments for a designated caseload, addressing occupational performance and skill deficits, enabling the service user in areas of self-maintenance, productivity and leisure. To work with service users to identify OT goals as part of the overall care plan. Leadership and Staff Management Responsibility To review and reflect on your own practice and performance through effective use of professional and operational supervision and appraisal. To participate in the induction, training and education of students and other staff in this setting. To participate in the Band 5 Development Programme and competency framework. Financial Responsibility To be responsible for maintaining stock, advising on resources to carry out the job, including the responsible management of petty cash To ensure Health & Safety Regulations and Data Protection Act Regulations are observed and instituted. To be responsible for the safekeeping and use of equipment & materials Service Development and Improvement To monitor and evaluate treatment in order to measure progress and ensure effectiveness of the intervention and feedback to appropriate forum. To participate in the planning, evaluation and audit of practice, clinical pathways and protocols within your area. To participate in the delivery of the OT development plan. To take part in risk assessment and to attend mandatory training sessions. Analytical and Judgemental Skills To apply acquired skills and knowledge of professional practice in order to develop fitness to practice as an OT. To maintain a professional portfolio for CPD recording learning outcomes through participation in internal development opportunities. To demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate current research and apply to practice. To comply with the COT Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct and national and Trust procedures. To respect the individuality, values, cultural and religious diversity of service users and contribute to the provision of a service sensitive to these needs. Planning and Organisational Skills To exercise good personal time management, punctuality and consistent reliable attendance To effectively plan own diary and appointments with service users and carers in conjunction with rotation setting service. Physical Working Conditions and Environment To work within rotation setting undertaking visits to other locations as required. Information Resources To ensure that up to date written and electronic records and reports are maintained in accordance with Professional and Trust standards. To record appropriate statistical activity. To follow Trust policy and guidelines regarding Information Governance. Supplementary Information It is inevitable that the post holder will be required to deal with distressed people and find themselves in challenging and / or risky situations as they will be working with people with mental health problems/learning disabilities. Professional Registration It is a condition of employment that you maintain full HCPC registration. You are required to be aware of and comply with the policy and requirements of BAOT. It is your responsibility to ensure that your HCPC registration is renewed when necessary and that you formally confirm all renewals with your manager. Knowledge and Skills Framework: The post holder will be expected to meet the requirements of the NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF) appropriate outline for the post. "}