Thank you for your interest in the position of CNS - Allergy Nurse
in Sheffield
with Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nCNS - Allergy Nurse with Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust in Sheffield\n\n An exciting opportunity has arisen within the Allergy team for an experienced, enthusiastic, motivated, and highly dynamic Paediatric Nurse to join our allergy nursing team. You will be expected to work in tandem with other allergy nurse specialists, as well as being part of a multidisciplinary team supporting allergy clinics providing high levels of holistic allergy care and education to the child/young person/family with diseases across the atopic spectrum. You must also be confident to work autonomously and be adaptable to change. You will also be able to develop & learn new skills, for example performing oral food & drug challenges; skin prick testing & interpreting the results; recognising the signs of anaphylaxis which are all skills essential to the role. To plan, implement and evaluate care for children undergoing allergy procedures. To co-ordinate nursing activity of allergy patients as required. To assist the team in managing and developing the allergy nursing service within Sheffield Children's Hospital. To develop and co-ordinate the allergy nursing service in a variety of settings ensuring the quality-of-care provision for children of all ages. To provide specialist education, training and information to children, families, and members of the multi-disciplinary team. About us Please refer to the job description and person specification for full details of the role. Inclusive Recruitment & Selection We are committed to being an inclusive employer and accurate data capture is an important part of that to ensure we are supportive and representative. Our aim is to ensure that all applicants can see themselves in the available categories on our application form, but we recognise that some of our data capture fields are not inclusive. We have flagged this with our system provider to ask for change. We offer encouragement and active support to applicants with additional needs, including those from ethnic minorities, with disabilities and members of the LGBTQ+ community. If you wish to adjust any aspect of the recruitment process or wish to find out more about our recruitment & selection processes, please get in touch with our Recruitment Manager: We are continually reviewing our recruitment & selection process to support the long-term aim of Sheffield Childrens being a champion of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion. If you have any ideas for improvement, please get in touch with Catherine Gilbert at Trust Values The Trust is committed to providing great quality patient care and keep children, young people and families at the heart of what we do by following our CARE values: Compassion leading by kindness and showing empathy, understanding and respect Accountability striving to do the right thing and owning responsibility Respect value differences, tackling inequality and fostering a culture of inclusion Excellence delivering a high-quality standard of care "}