Consultant Diabetes and Endocrinology • Southport Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
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in Southport
with Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nConsultant Diabetes and Endocrinology with Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust in Southport\n\n We are looking to recruit a highly motivated, enthusiastic Consultant in Diabetes & Endocrinology. This new post will help develop the diabetes and endocrine services at the trust, alongside this recently expanded team. Diabetes and Endocrinology outpatient clinics are a key part of this role. We are looking to develop and expand our Diabetes foot service and our Diabetes maternity services and seek candidates interested in these areas. Other diabetes sub-specialty interest clinics can also be accommodated. This post also supports the General medical on-call rota and ward cover and a regular commitment to this is part of this role. A pattern of a Ward week and non-ward weeks model rotating over a 3-4 week pattern. The ward has a varied case mix, including patients admitted for Endocrinology and Diabetes related problems. The remaining \"non-ward\" weeks would focus on delivery of specialty outpatient clinics. Applicants are required to hold Membership of the Royal College of Physicians (UK or equivalent qualifications), to be fully registered with the General Medical Council, and to be on the Specialist Register or due to obtain their CCT within six months of the date of interview. CESR candidates must have written GMC confirmation of successful application. Interviews will take place on Tuesday 4th February 2025 Duties and Responsibilities Professional Responsibilities It is a requirement of the post that holder comply with Trust policies and procedures, have (and maintain) GMC registration / licensing, and participate in a formal CPD programme (Royal College of Physicians Online CPD diary). The Trust supports the requirements for continuing professional development as lay down by the Royal College of Physicians and is committed to providing time and financial support for these activities. The post holder must also participate in regular medical audit and in annual appraisal and job planning for revalidation (and to maintain a licence to practise) with the Clinical Director or one of the other qualified appraisers within the Trust. The Trust has the required arrangements in place, as lay down by the Royal College of Physicians, to ensure that all doctors have an annual appraisal with a trained appraiser and supports doctors going through the revalidation process. About us For more information regarding the main responsibilities and requirements essential for this role please refer to the supporting documents heading and review the job description and person specification which will outline the duties of the role including a proposed job plan. Clinical Responsibilities General (Internal) Medicine (Ward 9A) The GIM/ Diabetes ward (9A) is on the Southport site and has 14 General Medical Beds. The ward has a varied case mix, including patients admitted for Endocrinology and Diabetes related problems. The ward is currently covered by two Consultant Physicians each consultant will be responsible for approximately 14 inpatients when on-ward. The consultants are supported by 1 Speciality Trainee (Diabetes & Endocrinology) and a post-MRCP specialty doctor, 2-4 Internal Medical Trainees /Foundation Year 2 trainees, and 1-2 Foundation Year 1 doctors. Consultants perform 3 ward rounds per week. It is expected that ward patients not reviewed by a consultant will receive daily review by a junior member of the ward medical team (typically StR or IMT). Board rounds on non-ward round days may also be needed at times. The post holder will share in the responsibilities for ward governance and trainee supervision. Out of hours / Weekend work Acute medical emergency referrals are seen on the emergency assessment unit either by a member of the acute care physician team or the on-call team. Patients requiring further treatment are transferred to either the short stay unit or a specialty ward for ongoing care. The on call Medical Team, comprises 1 ST Grade, 2 IMT/F2 doctors and 1 F1 Grade, between 0900 2100hrs, there is support from the Acute Consultant Physicians and a ST doctor in Acute Medicine. The out of hours junior team comprises an F1, CT1 and ST doctor between 2100 and 0900hrs The current rota comprises of a 1:14 commitment, this is currently organised as Physician of the Day where-by the Consultant on-call has their standard day duties are cancelled and they are required to undertake the post-take ward round (PTWR) for patients in ED and/or AMU referred to medicine and those awaiting an inpatient bed (with a decision to admit) This is supported by the AMU team. The expectation is up to 15 patients on a PTWR per consultant.The PTWR consultant is supported by an F1 trainee. Typical medical admissions are 15-40 patients over 24 hrs. The on-call consultant is expected to stay on site until 1900hrs weekdays and 1700hrs weekends. When off-site, the on-call physician must be available to take calls if needed. If significant on-call involvement has been required out-of hours (including attending hospital for a significant time), clinical sessions the following day may be cancelled at the discretion of the clinical director. There are also currently 2 support Consultant colleagues covering evening shifts 17-2130hrs on site, they undertake Post-Take Ward Rounds reviews for patients in ED and on AMU and provide support for junior on-call team as well as taking part in the evening on-call handover. At weekends there are 2 additional consultants from 0900-1300hrs to assist with PTWR and discharges, these are not part of the general on-call rota. The on-call attracts a 3% on-call supplement and 0.468 PAs for the weekend on-call and 0.22PAs for the weekday resident element. The on-call commitment would be in addition to the 10PAS of daytime activity, however the Trust would be willing to negotiate this with the successful applicant. Following an on-call, time off in-lieu would be considered if desired. Outpatient Specialty Work (Diabetes and Endocrinology) The successful applicant will participate in a rota which will ensure the ward (9A) has consultant input Monday to Friday. During this week the On-Ward consultant would also undertake outpatient clinics, which would usually be New Patient clinics. The retention of one specialty clinic during that week is possible. The Off-ward Consultant will deliver more outpatient clinics, including new, follow-up and specialty clinics. Rotation between ward and off-ward will be 1:3 or 1:4 weeks depending on successful recruitment. The successful applicant will contribute to general Endocrinology with 1-2 outpatient clinic per week, and 1-3 weekly diabetes clinics as part of their 10.0 PA job plan. Additional specialty sessions (in both Diabetes and Endocrinology) are negotiable. New patient clinics typically review 6 patients (additional if specialty trainee present), whilst follow-up clinics are around 10 patients (additional if trainee present). There will be opportunities to develop a specialist interest within diabetes. The service is looking to develop in 2 areas of care; Diabetes foot care and Diabetes maternity care and we would encourage application for candidates with an interest and/or experience in these areas. Opportunities exist to subspecialise in other areas, including endocrinology. We currently offer general diabetes clinics, a diabetes pump service, a diabetes young-adults service and support the diabetes foot clinic (run by a Vascular surgeon) which we aim to expand with the appropriate support. Additionally, there is a joint Diabetes -Obstetric clinic with Obstetric colleagues, again, something that we are looking to developed. We also have a monthly joint head and neck clinic with ENT, although this is under review. There may be opportunity with prior discussion and agreement of the Clinical Director to do one or more of the allocated clinics in the evening in lieu of time back. Audit and Education The successful candidates will be expected to participate in regular departmental and national audits, as well as meeting their appraisal and revalidation requirements There is also a requirement to participate in departmental and trust governance meetings. There is a weekly medical teaching session and a monthly governance meeting which the appointees should attend. The Post Graduate Education Centre has a purpose-built lecture theatre, 3 seminar rooms and a library, including electronic databases and internet access. The Trust has been one of the providers of clinical training for undergraduate medical students from the University of Liverpool. There is a varied programme of lectures and seminars and sub-specialty educational meetings. "}