Mental Health In-Reach Clinical Team Leader - HMP Coldingley • Bisley Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust
Thank you for your interest in the position of Mental Health In-Reach Clinical Team Leader - HMP Coldingley
in Bisley
with Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nMental Health In-Reach Clinical Team Leader - HMP Coldingley with Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust in Bisley, Woking\n\n We are seeking a motivated registered professional for the role of Mental Health In-Reach Team Lead . Applications are welcomed from the range of Allied Health Professionals ( Registered Mental Health Nurses, Occupational Therapists and Social Workers ). As a Band 7 role, this is an excellent opportunity to start or develop your career in a management and Leadership role. CNWL offers excellent career and Leadership development for the successful candidate, which can include Advanced and Enhanced Practitioner training as well as other leadership development programmes. There are established support and development opportunities for all allied health professionals. Why not see what our staff say about working within our award winning teams: The post holder will support the Mental Health Service Lead by having day to day leadership responsibility for the work of the In-Reach Team. This will include line-management, development and support of clinical staff, clinical work, supporting the Service Lead with performance management and other management functions of Mental Health In-Reach. This will involve ensuring effective and efficient resource utilisation, the delivery of evidence-based patient care and a safe service. In conjunction with the Service Lead and Consultant Psychiatrist, the post holder will provide clear, visible leadership, vision and practice expertise to enhance the service users' experience. The post-holder will be expected to operate flexibly within a challenging health care environment, involving multiple providers, whilst being an ambassador for Healthcare and CNWL. The post-holder will also support the team in the creation of effective pathways of care for the prisoners served. About us MAIN DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES To deliver effective day-to-day leadership and direction to all staff within the In- Reach Team. To ensure the service is well organised, evidence based, & service user focused. To support the Service Manager in implementing service changes when required, ensuring effective implementation with measurable outcomes, and to agreed timescales. To advance innovative ideas to enable staff to deliver care more effectively. To ensure that clinical practice in the team is delivered safely and in accordance with the Care Qualify Commission Framework, Professional Practice standards and any other relevant national policies and standards. To be part of a culture that focuses on improving outcomes across the care pathway for clients. To undertake and manage Early Days In Custody (EDIC) assessments. To ensure all new arrivals to receive a brief assessment of individual presentation and need, referring patients on to other services (GP, SMS, chaplaincy, psychology etc) and book further assessment if indicated. To participant and manage in Care and Separation (Segregation) Unit (CSU) rounds with a GP and primary care nurse. To work in partnership with the Prison and other healthcare providers to ensure there are clear and responsive operational policies, procedures and protocols. To support the Service Manager in implementing care quality standards. This will include keeping updated with national policy and legislation, attending relevant Trust meetings, policy development and implementation of improvement programmes across the service. To provide cover for the Service Manager as required. Policy and Service Development To monitor systems, policies and procedures that ensure compliance with best practice requirements in line with strategic policies and statutory obligations with respect to CPA, Section 117 after care, Risk Assessment, Care Management, Health and Safety and Infection Control and discharge planning. To establish effective working relationships with forensic and non-forensic community teams and other statutory, non-statutory and voluntary services. To be responsible for developing clinical excellence within the team, ensuring that there are clear systems in place and providing evidence that they are both in place and operating effectively. To manage and deliver excellent assessments that provide high standards of clinical intervention through effective treatment plans and discharges, by providing management and leadership. To ensure the discharge of the legal responsibilities of the Mental Health Act 1983 and to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Care Programme Approach, Section 117 Aftercare and other relevant obligations, and to ensure that all team members are aware of their obligations. To ensure programmes of care meet the treatment needs of individuals throughout their stay with the team, including detailed arrangements for discharge, with the patient central to the planning and decision-making process. To implement and evaluate systems to monitor risk, suggesting improvements where required. Care Quality Assurance To ensure attendance at local Team and Clinical Review meetings and ensure clinical meetings take place regularly to give guidance to multi-disciplinary staff, taking into account their skills and experience. To be responsible for the implementation of action plans from Care Quality and Performance meeting. To take part in audit processes as required and ensure that recommendations resulting from audits are implemented. To provide advice to individual nursing and allied professional staff, plus other stakeholders on issues relating to clinical competence, nursing standards and procedures. To ensure that nursing issues are identified within the business planning strategy of the Directorate and the Trust and that the aims of the Trust Nursing Strategy are effectively communicated to nursing and other staff. To ensure nursing practice and affiliated professionals practice is sensitive to the needs of an ethnically diverse population. To ensure clinical notes are maintained to the agreed standard at all times and that clients are appropriately assessed, care planned and discharged. To ensure that data is entered onto systems according to agreed guidelines and that data collection is prioritised at all times and that incomplete/inaccurate data submission is rectified without delay. To ensure the development of effective supporting structures for carers in line with CNWL guidelines. To manage all complaints and serious incidents, undertaking the relevant investigations as required by Trust Policy To draft reports as required for the Service Manager, Area Manager and Service Director. To undertake any investigations as necessary, and ensure all action plans are implemented in a timely manner with appropriate evidence. Management of Resources To support the Service Manager in establishing an efficient working environment, making the most effective and efficient use of staff, supplies, equipment and services. Human Resources Management To effectively supervise staff, ensuring safe levels of staffing and management are provided at all times, and advising the Service Manager when this is not the case. To ensure all staff receive line-management supervision and appraisals on a regular basis, in line with the Trusts supervision and appraisal policy To ensure that clinical supervision is provided, complying each of the relevant disciplines professional regulatory requirements, and thus ensuring that a high standard of professional practice and good inter-disciplinary working is achieved. To ensure that all staff are fully aware of and understand their contribution to achieving successful client outcomes and performance targets for the service. To ensure that the In-Reach Team develop, implement & evaluate programmes of care using a problem solving approach that ensures the needs of each individual patient are met. To ensure that all staff are trained to understand, and make optimum use of electronic systems (SystmOne) to plan and record service delivery. To lead on and participate in the interviewing, selecting, orientating and developing of new staff within the team, ensuring that they receive a full and effective induction and that mandatory training and other training needs are met. To facilitate a multidisciplinary approach (including partners agencies if required) and consider different skill mix solutions within the team. With the support of the Service Manager, to manage staff against performance criteria taking appropriate action when needed. To work closely with the Service Manager in the assessment, provision and evaluation of training needs of nurses within the team. To ensure their own continual professional development, keeping up to date with developments in nursing practice and participating in training programmes identified in an agreed Personal Development Plan. Communication and Liaison To ensure open channels of communication with both internal and external agencies to achieve a coordinated service to clients and their families. To have and further develop a high level of interpersonal and communication skills to deal with a range of sensitive and emotive situations e.g. dealing with crisis situations, involvement in staff disciplinary processes. To develop and maintain procedures which result in good communication within the service and across the locality and with external/partner agencies as required. To play an active part in a communication system that ensures the flow of information to and from relevant meetings and forums. To communicate complex and sometimes distressing information to service users and staff, ensuring information is correctly assimilated and understood, and support networks are identified and put into place as necessary. To ensure that all documentation is legible and written in accordance with organisational, professional and best practice guidelines. "}