Senior Staff Nurse - Woodpecker & Nightingale wards • London Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust
Thank you for your interest in the position of Senior Staff Nurse - Woodpecker & Nightingale wards
in London
with Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nSenior Staff Nurse - Woodpecker & Nightingale wards with Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust in London\n\n An opportunity has arisen for a Band 6 Staff Nurse to join the team on Woodpecker and Nightingale wards Woodpecker ward is our pre-operative admissions ward where patients are admitted and prepared for theatre. Once the patient goes to theatre they are returned, post-op, to the inpatient wards throughout the hospital for overnight stays. Nightingale ward is our day case ward where patients will be admitted, prepared for theatre and then returned to the ward to complete their post-op recovery before being discharged later the same day. Both wards operate between the hours of 07.30 - 20.00 or 07.00 - 19.30 (for early starts), Monday - Friday. We do not work weekends, bank holidays or night shifts. Working with a wide range of specialities with the members of the respective teams being predominantly based in theatre, means that both wards operate in a substantially nurse-led way. Since moving to Operations and Images in late 2020, we have developed closer ties to the other clinical areas we have frequent contact from within our directorate, especially the Recovery department. Woodpecker and Nightingale wards are a place to develop or consolidate a variety of nursing skills including: time management on fast paced, high turnover clinical environment; close working relationship with our Advanced Nurse Practitioner in the pre-assessment of upcoming admissions; engagement with a wide range of clinical specialities; exposure to bed management through surgical bed meetings and forward planning for following week admissions; working in a clinical environment containing a broad range of ward-based healthcare professionals, including Healthcare Support Workers, Healthcare Assistants, Assistant Theatre Practitioners, Nursing Associates and Registered Nurses. We have a growing educational programme which will help assist successful candidates contribute towards the high standards of nursing care we set across both wards by assisting in their own professional development. This development will be integral to maintaining such standards and by gaining experience within your role you will also be provided with in-depth training to give you the tools and confidence to develop within the role. About us The full job description provides an overview of the key tasks and responsibilities of the role, and the person specification outlines the qualifications, skills, experience, and knowledge required. For both documents, please view the attachment/s below. "}