Locally Employed Doctor in Anaesthesia • Torquay Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust
Thank you for your interest in the position of Locally Employed Doctor in Anaesthesia
in Torquay
with Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nLocally Employed Doctor in Anaesthesia with Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust in Torquay\n\n Torbay Hospital Anaesthetic department seeks applications for a Locally Employed Doctor at CT3/ST3 level or equivalent. The Locally Employed Doctor will also be expected to undertake medical transfers to specialist hospitals, most commonly accompanying acute neurosurgical cases to Derriford (Plymouth). The post will require participation in the ST 1:8 full shift rota. Clinical supervision is provided for both safety and educational support. Attendance at in-house educational and audit meetings is encouraged. An Educational/Clinical Supervisor will be allocated. Torbay Hospital Anaesthetic department has an excellent track record and reputation among previous Locally Employed Doctor cohorts as a place for gaining valuable clinical experience prior to advancing to training schemes Provision of anaesthesia for emergency theatres, labour ward and support for the Critical Care Unit To provide anaesthetics for both emergency work and elective theatre lists. Emergency work will include working as part of the on-call team to provide anaesthesia for emergency theatres, analgesia on the labour ward and anaesthesia for obstetric cases, support for critical care out of hours and attendance in ED for advanced resuscitation and Trauma calls. The Trust Grade will also be expected to undertake medical transfers to specialist hospitals, most commonly neurosurgical transfers. The post will require the ability to flex in and out of the ST 1:8 full shift rota including nightsdepending on departmental need. There may also be the requirement to undertake occasional CT rota on calls. About us The successful candidate will participate in the provision of elective and emergency services of the department under appropriate direct and indirect clinical supervision. The emergency work includes emergency theatres, labour ward and anaesthesia for obstetric cases, support for critical care out of hours and attendance in ED for advanced resuscitation and Trauma calls. The LED will also be expected to undertake medical transfers to specialist hospitals which are most commonly Derriford (Plymouth) of acute neurosurgical cases "}