Consultant in Orthodontics • Stevenage East and North Herts NHS Trust
Thank you for your interest in the position of Consultant in Orthodontics
in Stevenage
with East and North Herts NHS Trust.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nConsultant in Orthodontics with East and North Herts NHS Trust in Stevenage\n\n Applications are invited for a Consultant in Orthodontics. This is a substantive appointment based at Lister Hospital in Stevenage. The post comprises 10 programmed activities (PAs). The Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMFS), Orthodontics and Restorative Dentistry is seeking a consultant to join a dynamic, enthusiastic and forward thinking team. The department is currently involved in many exciting initiatives and are looking for an individual with appropriate skills to complement this team and help keep the service in the forefront of clinical and academic excellence. The department benefits from close surgical and restorative collaborative care providing an ideal setting for the development of integrated Orthodontics. There will be an opportunity for building links with teaching departments and expand training locally. The post holder will be expected to show drive and initiative towards patient care putting the patient first and should demonstrate a high level of knowledge and expertise in the field of Orthodontics including management of cleft lip and palate, hypodontia and orthognathic patients using dental implants and must also be innovative in their approach to patient management. The appointee will play a key role in the management of patient referrals to the department with emphasis on multidisciplinary treatment of patients and to participate in the teaching programs of the department. About us In the paragraphs above you have read an overview about the role we would like to offer and general information about main duties of the post holder. Please see attached job description which describes in full details the duties, responsibilities and reporting relationships of the advertising role. "}