Booking Centre Administrator • Swindon Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Thank you for your interest in the position of Booking Centre Administrator
in Swindon
with Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nBooking Centre Administrator with Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in Swindon\n\n To provide an excellent, professional and friendly service to patients when booking their Outpatient appointments, booking first and follow-up appointments in accordance to national Referral to Treatment guidance and Trust policy on fair access to appointments for patients, including administering direct booking e-referral appointments.Ensuring that the administration associated with the patient appointment is completed accurately and in a timely manner, and follows Trust and departmental policies and procedures. 1. Following the daily departmental rota, provide call centre telephone coverage for all incoming calls regarding patient appointments, handling enquiries for all specialties as necessary.2. Using waiting lists, on hold reports and other tracking reports, book new and follow-up outpatient appointments ensuring all clinic letters are sent out as soon as appointments are made, using the direct mailing service, and following guidance in the Elective Access, Booking and Choice Policy.3. Negotiate outpatient appointments with patients offering them a choice of dates and time, whilst also adhering to clinical team requirements, e.g. correct clinician, or length of time for the appointment, in line with the Trust's Elective Access, Booking and Choice Policy and departmentalStandard Operating Procedures. About us 5. Accurately interpret all incoming appointment requests for specialties using the clinical information provided and your specialties booking guidelines, to book appointments for the correct clinician given their clinical appointment history and relevant open referral. Please see attached Job Description for further details of this role. "}