Highly Specialist Paediatric Occupational Therapist listing • Chessington Achieving For Children
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in Chessington
with Achieving For Children.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nHighly Specialist Paediatric Occupational Therapist listing with Achieving For Children in Chessington, Surrey\n\n The post holder will manage and lead service delivery in the specific area of a complex needs special school. They will provide clinical support and supervision to other therapists and occupational therapy assistants. Planning the service within the specific area of work and taking the lead on providing strategic direction for others are key responsibilities of the role. They will contribute to the annual service team plan, other business, development plans as necessary and working closely with MDT colleagues the postholder will be responsible for the continuous improvement of the speciality ensuring team knowledge base is current and evidence based. The post holder will carry a complex caseload of children and young people with a wide range of disabilities and will regularly report progress for clinical governance and audit purposes. Achieving for Children is a Community Interest Company that has a public sector ethos, combined with the freedom to innovate enabling us to do things differently. As a not-for-profit social enterprise owned by three local authorities (Windsor & Maidenhead, Kingston and Richmond), we offer the freedoms of a social enterprise with the employment benefits of local government. We are looking for a Highly Specialist Paediatric Occupational Therapist to join our team. We are looking for a Highly Specialist Paediatric Occupational Therapist to join our team. The post holder will manage and lead service delivery in the specific area of a complex needs special school. They will provide clinical support and supervision to other therapists and occupational therapy assistants. Planning the service within the specific area of work and taking the lead on providing strategic direction for others are key responsibilities of the role. They will contribute to the annual service team plan, other business, development plans as necessary and working closely with MDT colleagues the postholder will be responsible for the continuous improvement of the speciality ensuring team knowledge base is current and evidence based. The post holder will carry a complex caseload of children and young people with a wide range of disabilities and will regularly report progress for clinical governance and audit purposes. "}