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Practice Interview

What to expect
First, we'll enable your camera & microphone and then ask you to record a short introduction about yourself, about 30 seconds long, to make sure your camera is working ok.

Then, we'll ask you to answer one or more questions of your choice from the list below:
1. Can you tell us about your experience with delivering evidence-based psychological therapies? Which modalities do you feel most proficient in, and why?
2. Describe a challenging case you have managed. What approaches did you employ, and what was the outcome?
3. How do you ensure that psychological assessments are carried out systematically and effectively?
4. Can you provide an example of how you have led a psychological therapies team in the past? What were your key strategies for ensuring high-quality service delivery?
5. How do you approach clinical and professional supervision for staff? Can you discuss any frameworks or models you prefer?
6. In your opinion, what are the key elements to consider when implementing a system for professional appraisal and CPD needs identification?
7. What experience do you have in conducting audits of psychological services? How do you use the findings to inform service improvement?
8. Can you share an example of a successful policy or service development initiative you led? What were the challenges and how did you overcome them?
9. How do you engage stakeholders in the process of service development, including team members and service users?
10. How do you ensure that psychological practices within your teams meet professional guidelines and regulatory standards?
11. Can you discuss a time when you identified a governance issue in your practice? How did you address it?
12. Given that Mersey Care is a multidisciplinary trust serving a diverse population, how would you adapt your psychological services to meet the varied needs of our service users?
13. What strategies would you suggest for enhancing collaboration between different health services within the trust?
14. What motivates you to work in the field of Clinical Psychology, and how do you maintain your professional development?
15. How do you balance the pressures of clinical leadership with your own psychological well-being?
16. What innovations or changes do you envision for the field of Occupational Health and Wellbeing Services, particularly concerning psychological support?
17. How do you foresee the evolving role of technology in delivering psychological therapies?
18. What attracted you to this position with Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust specifically?
You can answer as many of these questions as you want. Good luck!

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