Qualified Nurse Hospice at Home • Newport St David's Hospice Care
Thank you for your interest in the position of Qualified Nurse Hospice at Home
in Newport
with St David's Hospice Care.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nQualified Nurse Hospice at Home with St David's Hospice Care in Newport\n\n 1. To work in accordance with the Nurse and Midwifery Code of Conduct. 2. To work in accordance with the policies and procedures of St. Davids Hospice Care and Care Standards Act 2004. 3. To maintain confidentiality at all times. 4. To ensure patients comfort and dignity at all times. 5. To work alongside patients and carers, whilst also recognising their need for privacy. 6. To report any changes in the patients condition to the appropriate St. Davids Clinical Nurse Specialist. 7. To help with patients personal hygiene and toilet needs as appropriate. 8. To provide psychological, spiritual and emotional support to the patient and their family. 9. To care and support the patient and family in the last hours of life and support family after death. 10. Ensure a verbal handover from CNS prior to shift and after completion of a shift. 11. To work to both the District Nursing and St Davids Care Plan and amend as necessary. 12. To ensure all nursing information is evaluated and document as per the NMC Code of Conduct and St Davids Policies. 13. To maintain a safe environment for self, patients and carers at all times. 14. To monitor symptoms and take appropriate action during shift, which may include stat dose, medication or syringe driver adjustments. 15. To administer necessary medication as prescribed within St Davids medication policy. 16. To be familiar with the All Wales Care Priorities. 17. To verify death as appropriate. Salary - £20.82 p/hr £22.65 for weekend and bank holidays Hours - 9 or 12 hour night shift (10pm-7am or 7pm-7am) Location - Home-based. The post holder will be required to visit one patient per night in any of the areas covered by St Davids Hospice Care. To care for patients with palliative care needs as assessed by the clinical nurse specialist. To provide support, personal and respite care for patients and their families in their own home. General Responsibilities: 1. To recognise and accept the limits of personal knowledge and responsibility. 2. To be aware of ones own responsibilities towards Health and Safety Regulations. 3. To verbally report any accident or clinical incident as soon as possible followed by written details. 4. To be aware of procedures in place to contact the St. Davids out-of-hours service, whenever advice is sought. 5. To observe a No Smoking Policy whilst on duty. 6. To observe a No Sleeping on Duty Policy. 7. To recognise the need and be willing to undertake any training identified as necessary. 8. To ensure that the Hospice at Home Nurses have arrived and left their allocated patient by receiving a message via the bleep or mobile phone this to be done on a rotational basis. 9. Participate in clinical supervision on a regular basis. 10. Attend mandatory training sessions and participate fully in a CPP programme. "}