Occupational Therapy Assistant • Taunton Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
Thank you for your interest in the position of Occupational Therapy Assistant
in Taunton
with Somerset NHS Foundation Trust.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nOccupational Therapy Assistant with Somerset NHS Foundation Trust in Taunton, Somerset\n\n We are looking to recruit three enthusiastic individuals to join our team of Occupational Therapy Assistants.The Acute Occupational Therapy Service will support patients presenting with an acute change to their independence in engaging in activities that are important to them.The core aim of service delivery is to enable people to be able to leave hospital as soon as possible with or without the need for additional support.We have two vacant posts in our Care of Older people team and one post in our Stroke Team. The Occupational Therapy Assistants will be responsible for a small caseload of patients under the overall supervision of a qualified Occupational Therapist. This will involve completing a series of treatments to improve or maintain a patients abilities, progressing their rehabilitation goals, liaising with patients and relatives and multidisciplinary team and progressing the patient to optimise their function in preparation for leaving hospital. About us To obtain appropriate information from medical and care plan notes and through verbal information from patients regarding their personal, domestic, social and medical situation and communicate this to the Occupational Therapist To ensure all patients understand the Occupational Therapy treatment process.The post holder will need to gain valid, informed consent for any proposed intervention. Where a patient is unable to provide consent for treatment the post holder will work within Trust guidelines and Occupational Therapy Codes of Conduct. To observe patients behaviour, ability and responses during Occupational Therapy intervention The post holder will identify the requirements for the provision of adaptive equipment and/or techniques during treatment sessions. These observations and recommendations will be communicated verbally to the Occupational Therapist and details recorded in the patient's ward notes. The Occupational Therapy Assistant will be responsible for following through recommendations with patients allocated to them, under the overall supervision of the Occupational Therapist To prepare for and complete patient treatments independently, by setting up the appropriate equipment and gathering items required to be able to carry out the treatment as prescribed by the Occupational Therapist. Under supervision of the Occupational Therapist, the post holder will need to plan appropriate intervention with patient participation in the goal planning process and ensure these goals are documented. The post holder will be able to progress the set goals and recognise when it is appropriate to discharge a patient from Occupational Therapy. "}