Ward Clerk • Chepstow Aneurin Bevan University Health Board
Thank you for your interest in the position of Ward Clerk
in Chepstow
with Aneurin Bevan University Health Board.
This is a video practice interview and we use your
computer's webcam & microphonedevice's cameraphone's camera
to record your answers.
We record your answers one at a time.
The whole thing should take you less than five minutes.
Interview Progress What to expect
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You've already answered some of these questions.
marked the ones that you've done with a check
You can continue the interview below.
First, we'll enable your camera & microphone and then ask you to record a short introduction about yourself, about 30 seconds long, to make sure your camera is working ok.
Then, we'll ask you to answer one or more questions of your choice from the list below:
1. Can you tell us a bit about yourself and what attracted you to this position? Can you tell us a bit about yourself and what attracted you to this position?
2. What do you know about the role of a ward clerk in a community hospital setting? What do you know about the role of a ward clerk in a community hospital setting?
3. Describe a time when you had to manage multiple tasks at once. How did you prioritise your responsibilities? Describe a time when you had to manage multiple tasks at once. How did you prioritise your responsibilities?
4. What strategies do you use to stay organised in a busy work environment? What strategies do you use to stay organised in a busy work environment?
5. How do you ensure clear and effective communication with colleagues, patients, and families? How do you ensure clear and effective communication with colleagues, patients, and families?
6. Can you provide an example of a difficult conversation you had to navigate? How did you handle it? Can you provide an example of a difficult conversation you had to navigate? How did you handle it?
7. Describe a situation where you had to work independently without direct supervision. How did you approach it? Describe a situation where you had to work independently without direct supervision. How did you approach it?
8. How do you adapt to changes in the workplace, such as new policies or technologies? How do you adapt to changes in the workplace, such as new policies or technologies?
9. How do you view the role of a ward clerk in relation to other staff members in the hospital? How do you view the role of a ward clerk in relation to other staff members in the hospital?
10. Can you tell us about a time when you had to collaborate with others to achieve a common goal? Can you tell us about a time when you had to collaborate with others to achieve a common goal?
11. What do you understand by confidentiality and information governance, particularly in a healthcare setting? What do you understand by confidentiality and information governance, particularly in a healthcare setting?
12. Describe a situation where you had to handle sensitive information. How did you ensure its confidentiality? Describe a situation where you had to handle sensitive information. How did you ensure its confidentiality?
13. The job mentions that knowledge of hospital systems would be beneficial. Do you have any experience with hospital management systems? The job mentions that knowledge of hospital systems would be beneficial. Do you have any experience with hospital management systems?
14. Are you familiar with the Epex Work Station, or can you discuss any similar systems you have used? Are you familiar with the Epex Work Station, or can you discuss any similar systems you have used?
15. The ability to speak Welsh is desirable. Do you have any proficiency in Welsh, and how would you feel about using it in the workplace? The ability to speak Welsh is desirable. Do you have any proficiency in Welsh, and how would you feel about using it in the workplace?
16. In what ways do you think having language skills (English and/or Welsh) can improve communication in a healthcare environment? In what ways do you think having language skills (English and/or Welsh) can improve communication in a healthcare environment?
17. Why do you believe you would be a good fit for the ward clerk position at Chepstow Community Hospital? Why do you believe you would be a good fit for the ward clerk position at Chepstow Community Hospital?
The preview image will be black while recording; please just continue to record your answer as normal.
Interview Summary •
Check and Send
Role:Ward ClerkinChepstow
Interviewed on Sunday 2 March 2025
at 15:29.
If everything looks good then click below to send your
Your interview will also be saved to your account.
jbnsI9BuAneurin Bevan University Health Board{"required":[],"optional":[{"id":"queDDxAQ","grouping":"General Questions","question":"Can you tell us a bit about yourself and what attracted you to this position?"},{"id":"quetE6C1","grouping":"General Questions","question":"What do you know about the role of a ward clerk in a community hospital setting?"},{"id":"que6vbRz","grouping":"Organisational Skills","question":"Describe a time when you had to manage multiple tasks at once. How did you prioritise your responsibilities?"},{"id":"quefmNHT","grouping":"Organisational Skills","question":"What strategies do you use to stay organised in a busy work environment?"},{"id":"queUporj","grouping":"Communication Skills","question":"How do you ensure clear and effective communication with colleagues, patients, and families?"},{"id":"queJi74d","grouping":"Communication Skills","question":"Can you provide an example of a difficult conversation you had to navigate? How did you handle it?"},{"id":"queRJtf1","grouping":"Initiative and Adaptability","question":"Describe a situation where you had to work independently without direct supervision. How did you approach it?"},{"id":"queM6pV2","grouping":"Initiative and Adaptability","question":"How do you adapt to changes in the workplace, such as new policies or technologies?"},{"id":"que5yAra","grouping":"Teamwork and Collaboration","question":"How do you view the role of a ward clerk in relation to other staff members in the hospital?"},{"id":"queVOfSU","grouping":"Teamwork and Collaboration","question":"Can you tell us about a time when you had to collaborate with others to achieve a common goal?"},{"id":"queL6Iqc","grouping":"Confidentiality and Governance","question":"What do you understand by confidentiality and information governance, particularly in a healthcare setting?"},{"id":"quetC8Al","grouping":"Confidentiality and Governance","question":"Describe a situation where you had to handle sensitive information. How did you ensure its confidentiality?"},{"id":"quexy8j4","grouping":"Knowledge and Skills","question":"The job mentions that knowledge of hospital systems would be beneficial. Do you have any experience with hospital management systems?"},{"id":"que0CUkU","grouping":"Knowledge and Skills","question":"Are you familiar with the Epex Work Station, or can you discuss any similar systems you have used?"},{"id":"que337R3","grouping":"Welsh Language Skills","question":"The ability to speak Welsh is desirable. Do you have any proficiency in Welsh, and how would you feel about using it in the workplace?"},{"id":"queh14Ph","grouping":"Welsh Language Skills","question":"In what ways do you think having language skills (English and/or Welsh) can improve communication in a healthcare environment?"},{"id":"queEfwFR","grouping":"Conclusion","question":"Why do you believe you would be a good fit for the ward clerk position at Chepstow Community Hospital?"}]}
{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nWard Clerk with Aneurin Bevan University Health Board in Chepstow\n\n We are looking for a motivated ward clerk to join us within Chepstow Community Hospital. You will be expected to demonstrate excellent organisational skills and be flexible and adaptable in your approach to work. You must be able to work on your own initiative, use tact and diplomacy where appropriate and possess excellent communication skills as well as adhere to all confidentiality and information governance standards. Knowledge of hospital systems would be beneficial although full training will be given to the successful candidate. Duties and responsibilities:-Acting as a liaison between the ward and the community services,giving out discharge summaries to GPs, taking and passing onmessages and welcoming patients and their families to the ward.-General Office Duties include:Directing any queries, complaints, etc., from patients, relatives orvisitors to the Ward Manager or Nurse in Charge,-Keeping patients' records in good order, and ensuring that there is asupply of patients' name labels.-Inputting patient's details, admissions and discharges on the EpexWork Station.-Filing relevant patient information into the patient's notes, only afterthey have been signed by medical staff.-Keeping ward record books up-to-date.-Arranging out-patients appointments as instructed by the Nurse inCharge.-Answering telephone calls and giving information of a non-clinicalnature, as instructed by the Nurse in charge of the ward.-Ensuring proper completion and transmission of works and estatesorders.-To keep ward statistic as necessary-To photocopy and fax as required.-To type letters or any other required documents as instructed by theNurse in Charge or Ward Manager.-To ensure that the ward is adequately stocked up and supplied withstationery supplies. The ability to speak Welsh is desirable for this post; English and/or Welsh speakers are equally welcome to apply. About us You will be able to find a full Job description and Person Specification attached within the supporting documents or please click Apply now to view in Trac "}