1. Can you tell us about your experience working as part of a multidisciplinary team in a healthcare setting? Can you tell us about your experience working as part of a multidisciplinary team in a healthcare setting?
2. What motivated you to apply for the role of PCN Clinical Pharmacist with us? What motivated you to apply for the role of PCN Clinical Pharmacist with us?
3. How do you approach building relationships with general practice staff and other healthcare professionals? How do you approach building relationships with general practice staff and other healthcare professionals?
4. Describe your experience with managing long-term conditions. What strategies have you found effective? Describe your experience with managing long-term conditions. What strategies have you found effective?
5. How do you keep up to date with changes in prescribing guidelines and regulations? How do you keep up to date with changes in prescribing guidelines and regulations?
6. Can you discuss a time when you had to perform a medication review? What was your approach, and what were the outcomes? Can you discuss a time when you had to perform a medication review? What was your approach, and what were the outcomes?
7. What methods do you use for ensuring safer prescribing and managing repeat prescriptions? What methods do you use for ensuring safer prescribing and managing repeat prescriptions?
8. How would you develop and run a system for acute prescription requests within a practice? How would you develop and run a system for acute prescription requests within a practice?
9. Can you provide an example of a clinical audit you have conducted? What were your findings, and how did you implement changes? Can you provide an example of a clinical audit you have conducted? What were your findings, and how did you implement changes?
10. In your view, what does proactive leadership in medicines optimisation look like, and how would you embody this in your role? In your view, what does proactive leadership in medicines optimisation look like, and how would you embody this in your role?
11. How would you promote a culture of continual improvement among your colleagues within the PCN? How would you promote a culture of continual improvement among your colleagues within the PCN?
12. Can you share an example of a project or initiative you led that improved patient outcomes? Can you share an example of a project or initiative you led that improved patient outcomes?
13. How do you ensure that the patient-facing services you develop meet the needs of the PCN population? How do you ensure that the patient-facing services you develop meet the needs of the PCN population?
14. Describe your experience conducting face-to-face patient consultations. What challenges have you faced, and how did you overcome them? Describe your experience conducting face-to-face patient consultations. What challenges have you faced, and how did you overcome them?
15. How do you incorporate patient feedback into your practice and decision-making? How do you incorporate patient feedback into your practice and decision-making?
16. Imagine a patient presents with multiple long-term conditions and complex medication needs. How would you approach this situation? Imagine a patient presents with multiple long-term conditions and complex medication needs. How would you approach this situation?
17. You receive a complaint from a patient regarding a medication error. How would you handle the situation and prevent future occurrences? You receive a complaint from a patient regarding a medication error. How would you handle the situation and prevent future occurrences?
18. If one of your colleagues disagrees with your prescribing decision, how would you address and resolve this conflict? If one of your colleagues disagrees with your prescribing decision, how would you address and resolve this conflict?
19. What do you believe are the most significant challenges currently facing clinical pharmacists in the NHS? What do you believe are the most significant challenges currently facing clinical pharmacists in the NHS?
You can answer as many of these questions as you want.
Good luck!