Neurodiversity expert by experience (Child and Young People) • London North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust
Thank you for your interest in the position of Neurodiversity expert by experience (Child and Young People)
in London
with North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nNeurodiversity expert by experience (Child and Young People) with North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust in London\n\n The successful applicant will: be a family member or carer of a neurodivergent child or young person. They may be both neurodivergent and family member or carer of a neurodivergent child or young person. bring another viewpoint that comes from a person's own experience. be willing to share their lived experience in a way that promotes positive development and change, both in terms of service development, and for individual children and their families. play a key part in the planning and designing of the new Neurodiversity in Enfield team for under 6s. Help the team understand better the views and experiences of families of neurodivergent children. liaise with families and carers to identify their needs and to reassure them that the team will support their child. share appropriate information about accessing services and local support. be expected to attend need-specific clinics (e.g. sleep, toileting, feeding etc) to support parents and carers, to guide them as to where to access the services and to provide emotional support. We would hope that parent worker could draw upon their personal experience and knowledge of parenting or caring for a child with a neurodevelopmental condition to: Inform clinical practice, i.e. the way the team is working Offer support in the facilitation and development of parenting support groups. The parent or parents would need to commit to coordinating and facilitating support groups for parents and we anticipate that the worker will participate in facilitating parenting groups and courses. Share/teach strategies with other parents Provide valuable contributions to regular steering group meetings and would be involved in further developing the parent worker role in the team. About us Communication and Coordination Serve as a point of contact between parents and carers and healthcare providers as directed. Facilitate effective communication between parents and carers and healthcare providers to ensure seamless service delivery. Attend clinics for the neurodivergent population and their families to provide advice, guidance and emotional support for families and carers, as pre-agreed and within the remits of the role. Share any relevant information from parents and carers with the clinical teams during the triaging process to ensure timely and effective needs-led support can be offered. Knowledge base Maintain excellent knowledge of local resources, both within the NHS and outside (e.g. education, EASA, voluntary sector). Liaise with neurodivergent people and their families to ensure the neurodiversity team continues to provide the support required by the community. Keep up to date with current thinking in the neurodivergent community, to include preferred terminology, types of input, environmental adaptations and other relevant preferences. Administrative Support To ensure that all available resources are coordinated effectively. Manage dairies and schedules, appointments, and meetings independently. Maintain accurate records, files, and documentation related to the role. Data Management Collect, compile, and analyse data related to roles and responsibilities. Keep accurate records of all conversations with families and carers. Compliance and Confidentiality Ensure compliance with all relevant regulations, policies, and procedures. Make suggestions to updates for departmental standard operating procedures and guidelines. Maintain confidentiality of information and adhere to data protection regulations. Support and Development Assist in the orientation and training of students and volunteers to the team. Support continuous professional development initiatives for the neurodiversity team. You will be required to use your initiative in all aspects of your work, to efficiently prioritise work and meet deadlines, as the service line requires. Your duties will encompass regular liaison with the Neurodiversity Team Leader and Team. Your dealings with matters relating to clients and staff is of a highly confidential nature and should not be divulged to another or discussed with other colleagues other than as necessary within the context of your role. You will be responsible for ensuring compliance with Trust policies and local protocols for Data Protection, Health and Safety, Security and Fire Safety within the administration team. "}