Clinical Pharmacist with Haematology Directorate • Abergavenny Aneurin Bevan University Health Board
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in Abergavenny
with Aneurin Bevan University Health Board.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nClinical Pharmacist with Haematology Directorate with Aneurin Bevan University Health Board in Abergavenny\n\n We have an exciting opportunity for a full-time Clinical Pharmacist to join the Pharmacy Team in our friendly Department. The post will be based at Nevill Hall Hospital (NHH) with a requirement to work across other sites within the health board, including the Grange University Hospital (GUH), and the Royal Gwent Hospital (RGH) to meet the needs of the haematology service as part of ABUHB. The post holder will need excellent organisational and interpersonal skills, alongside sound clinical knowledge and relevant experience within haematology and/or other relevant clinical specialities, such as Oncology. The post will be responsible for providing an Advanced Clinical Pharmacist Service within the Haematology Directorate. Key responsibilities include: Specialist pharmacist cover to the Haematology Day Case Unit at NHH and ward cover to Haematology inpatient beds based at GUH. Attend weekly multi-disciplinary team meetings.Act as, or undertake training to act as, an independent prescriber for Clinical Haematology patients, having a clinic commitment consistent with the needs of the service. The pharmacist will be integrated into the multi-disciplinary ward and day-case based haematology teams in addition to acting as the directorate pharmacist for haematology. The post-holder will work alongside Consultants and Senior Nurses to deliver a high quality patient focused service to haematology patients throughout ABUHB. As Directorate lead pharmacist the role includes reviewing medicines management expenditure, cost savings of medicines and horizon scanning. To drive medication savings within the haematology directorate, aligned with the national value and sustainability priorities. Other aspects of the role include writing and reviewing clinical guidelines, mentoring/management of rotational pharmacists, teaching and training, investigating and disseminating learning from incidents. This role is an ideal opportunity to build on your clinical experience and develop your management and leadership skills. It is also a great opportunity to be involved in teaching of Pharmacy Staff and the wider multi-disciplinary team around your specialist knowledge. If you are an enthusiastic and self-motivated pharmacist with a passion to develop Pharmacy Services within the Haematology directorate then please get in touch. We welcome flexible working options. Pharmacy enjoys excellent multidisciplinary links within the Health Board and we deliver clinical services to a wide range of specialties and are committed to the professional development of our 190 strong team. The Health Board has automated Pharmacy systems and a comprehensive Medicines Management Service including electronic discharge. Free parking is available across all Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Sites. The ability to speak Welsh is desirable for this post; Welsh and/or English speakers are equally welcome to apply. About us You will be able to find a full Job description and Person Specification attached within the supporting documents or please click Apply now to view in Trac. "}