Band 2 Maternity Support Worker • Winchester Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
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in Winchester
with Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nBand 2 Maternity Support Worker with Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in Winchester\n\n Band 2 MSW - Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Location: Royal Hampshire County Hospital The role will include working shifts, days and nights including weekends and bank holidays. Shift timings are 0730-2000 or 1930-0800 Toassistthemidwivesandsupportthewoman,herfamilyandcolleaguesthroughallmaternityservicesincluding adverseoutcomes,i.e.stillbirth,miscarriage,following appropriatetraining. Toensureasafeclinical environmentandhighstandardofpersonal careforwomen,theirbabiesandtheirfamiliesinallclinicalareas. Toassistmothersinthemaintenanceofpersonalhygieneandphysicalcomfortat alltimes. Participateintheactivitiesnecessarytoensuresafecareisprovidedtowomenantenatal,atbirthandpostnatal,anddemonstrateanabilitytorecognizeobstetricorneonatalemergenciesandrespondappropriately,i.e.calling foremergencyhelp,contacting,byphone,theemergencyteam. Assistintheeducationofmothersandtheirpartnerswiththedemonstrationofbasicfunctionsregarding careoftheirnewborninfant,attherequestof,andunderthedirectsupervisionof,themidwife. Carryout,andaccuratelyrecord on a MEOW's chart,maternalclinical measurements(Blood pressure, pulse, temperature, respiration rate, oxygen saturations, identifying blood loss/severity of pain and urinalysis)attherequestofthemidwife,following therelevanttraining. Carry out, and accurately record on a NEWTT chart, neonatal clinical measurements (heart rate, respiration rate and temperature) at the request of, and under the direct supervision of, the midwife. Aspartofthemulti-disciplinaryteam,assistintheeducationandsupportofthemotherandherpartnerwithinfantfeeding,following therelevanttraining. Completion of the maternity support worker development programme - induction to the trust and care certification with appropriate training and support. About us Further information about the Trust and this role can be found on the Job Description and Person Specification document attached. "}