Assistant Practitioner - Children's Continence Service • Norwich Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust
Thank you for your interest in the position of Assistant Practitioner - Children's Continence Service
in Norwich
with Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nAssistant Practitioner - Children's Continence Service with Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust in Norwich\n\n To work as a member for the Children's Nursing Team, providing care for children and young people with complex or acute health needs within their care setting. To manage their own caseload, waiting list and recording data onto the online system To plan and prioritise care activities taking into account patient needs and individual circumstances, ensuring all activity is recorded on the Child or Young Person's (CYP) health record To complete delegated observations and assessments of the CYP as agreed by the nursing team To develop, implement and evaluate appropriate care plans and comprehensive packages of care To provide quality care to Children and Young People in partnership with families and carers as commissioned and described within the service specifications About us To use a broad range of communication skills (e.g. motivation) to establish a rapport and engage with children and their families; to develop the child's and family's understanding of their needs and encourage effective participation in treatment To work independently with Children and Young People, individually and in groups, planning, organising and following specific programmes and guidance; to monitor progress and referring to the clinical nurse specialist where appropriate To work proactively to contribute to the Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) process To be responsible for completing own electronic diary (using available resource) and for booking own appointments To be aware of Norfolk Safeguarding Children's Board (NSCB) guidelines and procedures in the identification, assessment, and referral of vulnerable children "}