Clinical Nurse Specialist Non Medical Prescriber • London South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
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in London
with South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nClinical Nurse Specialist Non Medical Prescriber with South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust in London\n\n This post is a fixed term appointment to cover maternity leave. About the team: The National Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Outpatient Clinic is a national, tertiary service offering diagnostic assessment and treatment to adults across the UK. We accept complex referrals only and offer: Diagnostic assessment for people suspected of having ADHD and/or and autism. Initiation and titration of ADHD medication. Medication reviews. Clients may also have a comorbid mental health condition, such as anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder or interpersonal/relationship difficulties. This is a national, tertiary service, welcoming referrals from across the United Kingdom, subject to individual funding approval from local Clinical Commissioning Groups. The multidisciplinary team consists of an assessment nurse, neurodevelopmental specialist, Senior Clinical Nurse Specialist/ Non Medical Prescriber, clinical research worker, consultant psychiatrists and administrators. There are strong links with the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neurosciences (IoPPN), and there are opportunities to contribute to teaching, research and service evaluation. The post holder will be a member of a multi-disciplinary team in a dynamic national specialist service. This service already have nurse prescribers, on-going research and teaching in the rapidly expanding field of neurodevelopmental conditions. The post holder will work in specialist adult ADHD and Autism services as an experienced clinician who acting within their own professional boundaries will undertake assessment using specialist diagnostic tools and provide follow up for clients with an established diagnosis. They will act as a non-medical prescriber and initiate and titrate patients with a diagnosis of ADHD onto ADHD medication. They will demonstrate safe clinical decision-making and expert care, including assessment and diagnostic skills in the area of adult neurodevelopmental disorders. The post holder will be able to demonstrate critical thinking in the clinical decision making process. They will work with the multi-professional team to meet the needs of the service users. To work closely with internal and external stake holders to deliver an effective service to clients referred to the National Adult ADHD/Autism Service. About us Key Responsibilities: 1) CLINICAL Assess, diagnose, plan, implement and evaluate interventions/ treatments and care for service users. To complete a thorough risk assessment of the service users to ensure that any risk are minimised. To administer diagnostic questionnaires e.g. DIVA; and structured assessments eg ADI and ADOS depending on service need.. To work as a non-medical prescriber and to titrate and initiate patients diagnosed with ADHD onto appropriate medication. To provide follow ups, either face to face or via telephone consultation. To liaise with patients, referrers, Clinical Commissioning Groups and carers. To support the admin staff with clinical enquiries re ADHD/ASD referrals. Maintain relevant clinical and pharmaceutical knowledge, critically appraise and apply information in practice. To screen all referrals for clinical appropriateness within the agreed time scale. Support service users to adopt recovery strategies that promote their wellbeing, healthy lifestyle, independence and self-care. Promote the involvement of families in care, reflecting their diversity, equality and rights to ensure their needs are met. To be responsible for collating relevant data, quality assurance and timely submission of clinical update reports working closely with the Lead/Senior Clinical Nurse Specialists and MPT. To respond to complaints and or compliments within the prescribed time. To work with the Lead/Senior Clinical Nurse Specialists and MPT to ensure that systems and processes are in place to support marketing activities. The post holder can also be an independent prescriber, where trained and registered with the NMC, and within the Adult ADHD Service the role would include writing prescriptions for off label controlled drugs and other medications where appropriate. This will involve independently assessing suitability for pharmacological treatment, discussing treatment options, side-effects and risks, and providing treatment initiation and titration until such time as a maintenance dose is achieved and prescribing handed over to local services. The expectation will be that the post holder will be able to work autonomously through this process, although in certain highly complex cases there may be joint working with a Consultant Psychiatrist. 2) COMMUNICATION To communicate the patients health status using appropriate terminology, format, and technology. To use expert communication skills to provide accurate information to service users and their families and carers in a sensitive and professional manner. To use and demonstrate sensitive communication strategies to ensure that service users are fully informed and consent to care/ treatment. To act as an advocate for service users. To establish effective communication and actively promote health education that may include providing alternative materials to support service users and carers in making decisions regarding their care and treatment. To liaise and communicate effectively with multidisciplinary team, CCG and CMHTs teams across health and social boundaries. To make accurate and effective handovers to medical/nursing staff. To maintain accurate and contemporaneous records of health assessment, implementation and evaluation of management and therapeutic interventions. 3) CLINICAL LEADERSHIP To demonstrate positive role modelling of the profession. To provide the highest standard of professional and expert clinical leadership that influences advanced level of nursing practice in mental health and demonstrate positive role modelling of this role within the profession. To support staff development within their clinical and professional competencies and to provide supervision to staff and students as requied. To encourage other staff to self-assess their knowledge and skills and challenge actions that is not in the interest of service users or the public. To evaluate and review service provisions and innovations and contextualise against contemporary healthcare policy that are relevant to the clinical area, and that impact on healthcare providers and local communities. To contribute to the consultation and engagement of service users in planning and developing service. To contribute to the development, implementation and evaluation of evidenced based policies, procedures and guidelines relevant to the care of people with mental health conditions. To encourage staff members to utilise resources to attain and maintain high levels of medical and nursing care. To promote and develop the public health and wellbeing role of mental health nursing. To participate in CAG and organisational decision-making, interprets variations in outcomes data and information systems to improve quality in practice. To have current knowledge of the CAG financing system and its impact on the delivery of care. To participate in clinical governance initiatives as agreed by the directorate clinical governance committee. Lead the development of advanced mental health nursing practice in line with local and national agendas. 4) PROFESSIONAL To work in accordance with our Code of Conduct and ensure that standards of practice are upheld. To receive regular clinical supervision. To maintain and develop own professional knowledge and competence by keeping informed of advances and research pertaining to mental health care, ADHD and ASD. To participate in the clinical supervision of colleagues. To engage in self-reflection, audit and quality initiatives thus contributing to the development and improvement of the clinical services. To initiate training and assessment of competencies to appropriate members of staff. To contribute to the development, implementation and evaluation of evidenced based policies, procedures and guidelines relevant to the care of people with mental health needs ASD/ADHD. 5) AUDIT/RESEARCH To disseminate information, research and audit findings and lead on developments of advancing best practice at local and national level. To participate in legislative and policy-making activities that influence health services/practices. To work with the MDT to develop outcome measures that demonstrates improvements in the delivery of healthcare programmes. To act as a role model in the observance and delivery of equality and diversity of good practice. Advocates for quality and cost-effective healthcare. Promotes implements and evaluates effective evidence-based practice. To disseminate research and audit results through presentation to professional groups and publication. To initiate and participate in areas of clinical research, audit, benchmarking and trials in order to improve efficacy of care. 6) POLICIES To adhere to Trust policies and procedures. To maintain a safe environment for yourself and others, taking reasonable care to avoid injury. Co-operate with the Trust to meet statutory requirements. To provide statements regarding untoward incidents, as requested by line manager. To ensure all staff attend Trust mandatory training annually. To maintain registration and competencies and comply with Code of Professional Conduct and related documents. To sustain and improve own professional development by personal study, work based learning activities, and by using opportunities provided by the Trust. To keep up to date with legal matters that may arise during course of duty. 7) TRAINING The role will also be required to take on specific roles within the team based on their particular interests, expertise and training. This may include; Psychological interventions e.g. CBT/individual therapy/, further education and training. To promote and use an evidence-based approach to patient management that critically evaluates and applies research findings pertinent to patient care management and outcomes. To have demonstrable skills in communication and with hard to engage service users and other patients. Ability to work in a Recovery focused way. Ability to assess the patient motivation for learning and maintenance of health-related activities using principles of change and stages of behaviour change. "}