Thank you for your interest in the position of Recovery Worker
in Wakefield
with Inclusion.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nRecovery Worker with Inclusion in Wakefield\n\n The Inclusion Directorate with Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation currently provides Psychosocial Substance Misuse Teams into prisons across Yorkshire. An exciting opportunity has arisen for an individual to join our team at HMP New Hall. We are looking for a compassionate and skilled Recovery Worker to join our team. Working in prisons is both challenging and rewarding. This is an opportunity to work with some very interesting people with complex substance misuse needs. Working in prisons is a fantastic opportunity to make a positive difference to the lives of people who are often disadvantaged and vulnerable. As a Recovery Worker you will need to have a sound knowledge of substance misuse and the barriers and issues faced by those affected. You will need to be confident in managing a caseload of people with complex substance misuse difficulties. If you are interested in this exciting opportunity, we would love to hear from you. To provide a range of low, medium and high intensity interventionsto those people experiencing substance misuse problems. To work in a custodial environment delivering a high quality drug and alcohol recovery service in response to need. To provide a range of psycho-social interventions motivating and supporting people to achieve recovery and positive outcomes within a recovery-orientated substance misuse treatment service. To work in collaboration with clinical prescribing services to ensure the needs of each service user is met. To provide a drug and alcohol recovery service (incorporating assessment, recovery planning, casework coordination and psycho-social interventions) to people located within the prison establishment. To contribute and work within the prison and wider drug strategy About us Please refer to the Job Description and Person Specification for details. A summary is provided below: To deliver a steps-based, recovery orientated and outcome-focussed service within the host prison with a particular emphasis on high standards and good practice. To work within an integrated team delivering psychosocial and clinical interventions to service users presenting with substance misuse issues, including alcohol. To work closely with the mental health nurses as part of an integrated team. To participate in the prisons induction programme, encouraging and motivating clients to engage. To use strengths-based approaches including mapping techniques and relevant paperwork in order to carry out initial screening assessments. To carry out further assessments that includes strengths-based node-link mapping techniques and recovery planning. Work collaboratively with clinical services to ensure service users are referred for clinical services and supported whilst waiting for or receiving clinical treatment. Including joint recovery planning, attending joint clinical reviews, joint 1:1 sessions and communicating progress and needs to appropriate staff where need dictates. To identify and formulate goals jointly agreed with the service user on their recovery plan appropriate to their needs. To be responsible for the coordination of recovery for each client on your caseload. "}