Clinical Site Manager • Bolton Bolton NHS Foundation Trust
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in Bolton
with Bolton NHS Foundation Trust.
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{"interviewQueryText":"What are some good interview questions in British English for the job description below?\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\nClinical Site Manager with Bolton NHS Foundation Trust in Bolton\n\n In conjunction with other members of the Operational and Nursing teams, ensure the provision of effective site management, including direct responsibility for the management of the Patient Flow and Hospital at Night teams and the direction of bed usage throughout the Trust. The post involves operational management of all site issues as well as facilitating patient flow throughout the clinical areas. This is with the objective of ensuring that the patient is admitted in a timely fashion, receives the right treatment in the right place and is signposted to alternative service providers in accordance with agreed pathways and protocols of care. The post will also act as a support for both the Hospital at Night team and ward staff out of hours, to ensure the safe and effective use of resources to provide quality patient care. Working autonomously, but with support and liaison with operational managers and off site managers the post holder will ensure the timely action and communication of all site issues ensuring services are maintained. The role will cover twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week typically working 12 hour shifts. Strategic Direction To support the development of, and promote, the Trust's mission, values aims and objectives To contribute to the Division's strategy and operational plan leading on the development of improvement plans for specified services, as part of the annual planning cycle and on an ad-hoc basis as required To play a major role in modernising the operational delivery of services in line with the strategic direction of the Trust and the divisional operating plan, working with clinical teams to embed quality improvement and development work Discharge coordination Identify and work closely with the integrated discharge team and ward coordinators to facilitate the discharge process and maximise the use of the discharge lounge when available. Work with ward staff to improve the speed, safety and effectiveness of discharges. Identify problems within hospital processes that lead to delays in discharge, and notify the discharge liaison team and/or appropriate nurse manage C l i nical / Professional To ensure that all personal mandatory training requirements are kept up to da To maintain current awareness of all relevant trust policies especially those relating to the transfer of patients, local and national targets and pathways of care. Ensure that acquiring competencies and skills for role/self-development are undertaken in a timely and appropriate manner. About us Strategic Direction To support the development of, and promote, the Trusts mission, values aims and objectives To contribute to the Divisions strategy and operational plan leading on the development of improvement plans for specified services, as part of the annual planning cycle and on an ad-hoc basis as required L e a de rship and Communication To be responsible and accountable for the operational management of the hospital sites out of hours, acting as a co-ordinator of services and working closely with clinical and managerial staff. Assist the clinical areas with ensuring that maximum use of beds is maintained by utilising agreed operational strategies. Act as operational management support to all staff on site out of hours on behalf of line managers. To maintain collaborative working relationships and effective communications between all members of the multidisciplinary team, resolving conflict and working with teams to ensure a high standard of co- ordinated patient care. Take timely appropriate actions in relation to complaints, accidents and untoward incidents involving patients, staff and visitors, liaising with individual Directorates, Clinical and Non Clinical Managers on incidents within their areas and compiling statements accordingly. Ensure that there is effective use of available resources, reporting areas of difficulty / concern to Directorate Managers and/or Nurse Managers and/or relevant ward managers. To be a point of contact by ensuring that they are a visible, accessible and assertive figure to whom patients, relatives and staff can turn for assistance, advice and support To establish and maintain positive links with external agencies in particular care coordination centre (CCC), police, coroner, media, social services, and community nursing and domiciliary therapy services. Act as Incident Control Officer during fire calls, leading and instructing staff through the Fire Policy. On behalf of the Trust comply with Mental Health Act and facilitate in the care of mental health patients by receiving section papers under the Mental Health Act and process them accordingly. Assist in leading the major incident procedure as set down in local policy. To ensure compliance with escalation policies and associated standard operating procedures. C o -ordination and management of patient flow Be accountable and responsible for the overall co-ordination of patient flow within the hospital sites out of hours in accordance with the operational policy for the management of emergency and elective patient flow ensuring patients requiring hospital admission are placed in the most appropriate bed for their requirement Act as liaison with other clinical hospital personnel to maximise bed use and facilitate the admission of emergency and elective patients. To ensure responsibility in ensuring staff maintain and update PAS/Electronic Patient Record/Bed Management systems to support patient care To understand and be able to use the Vital Pac system and the EWS scoring system to prioritise the movement of patients according to clinical need, and maintain the clinical safety of patient flow. Collect and audit data related to bed availability and usage and update the appropriate personnel To take ownership and accountability for emergency access targets and advise management of potential breeches to A&E targets in a timely manner To ensure that the escalation policy is adhered Liaise closely with the clinical staff ensuring accurate information is available which ensures timely bed allocation Lead the Site Management teams and provide the day to day senior operational support to enable effective decisions to be made about the daily capacity and flow as well as provide support to developing a robust plan in line with all the standards the Trust is required to achieve. The decision making processes should be primarily to enable patient safety but also make the most effective and efficient use of allocated resources. Be accountable for the forward operational plan arising from the bed meeting regarding the management of the next period before review. Manage unforeseen staffing/skill mix deficits and fluctuations in dependency pragmatically ensuring the best use of resources across the hospital overnight. Discharge coordination Identify and work closely with the integrated discharge team and ward coordinators to facilitate the discharge process and maximise the use of the discharge lounge when available. Work with ward staff to improve the speed, safety and effectiveness of discharges. Identify problems within hospital processes that lead to delays in discharge, and notify the discharge liaison team and/or appropriate nurse manage Employ problem solving skills and liaises with other agencies to expedite problematical discharges from hospital. Undertake allocated projects and audit, in conjunction with the Acute Adult Care Division. C l i nical / Professional To ensure that all personal mandatory training requirements are kept up to da To maintain current awareness of all relevant trust policies especially those relating to the transfer of patients, local and national targets and pathways of care. Ensure that acquiring competencies and skills for role/self-development are undertaken in a timely and appropriate manner. Support the Hospital at Night team, assisting in coordinating and reviewing the service with management and appropriate personnel. To be a competent practitioner, with the required skills to be able to practice in the role. The post holder will act as a resource and advisor to staff working within the limitations of their professional capacity. To provide managerial support and professional advice to the nursing and junior medical staff. Acting as an advisor, role model for staff in the absence of the Ward Manager, Senior Sister/Charge Nurse. Offering assistance and support where possible. Support the meeting of pathways and targets treatment through understanding and ensuring requisition of tests within set clinical pathways. Provide clinical support and professional advice to the nursing staff and junior medical staff. Be familiar with the Mental Health Act and responsibilities relating to restraining orders appropriate within the general acute setting. To share awareness and highlight issues that pertain to the Protection Of Vulnerable Adults and Deprivation Of Liberty Safeguard regulations. To act as a member of the Trusts Resuscitation Team, Trauma Team in the absence of an appropriately qualified Nurse Practitioner in Hospital at Night or the Outreach service. Human Resources To ensure that all local and national HR policies, procedures and guidelines are adhered to and report any failure to do so appropriately. Professional Conduct To conduct oneself in a manner perceived by others as constructive. Ensure that any issues with other staff members or members of the public are addressed at appropriately and documented accordingly. To adhere to all local, national and professional guidelines in relation to conduct To take the lead in ensuring that local incidents, complaints and issues are dealt with in accordance with Trust policy. To adhere at all times to uniform policy To ensure that sickness is reported and recorded according to Trust policy for both the CSM and Hospital at Night team and any direct line reports. To ensure that documentation of site reports, breeches and staffing issues are in accordance with agreed protocols and to a professional standard that does not use colloquial language and accurately reflects performance. Responsibility for reviewing and maintaining service provision in event of gaps in service provision due to sickness or other events. To act as line manager and undertake all pertinent tasks for the Hospital at Night administrative workers, ensuring clear direction and support in a proactive framework. To work as part of a team in service delivery and in reviewing standards, policies and guidelines required to meet service provision General A visible leader who is accessible to patients, visitors and staff, providing professional and clinical leadership within area. To observe the rules, policies, procedures and standards of Bolton Foundation Trust together with all relevant statutory and professional obligations To adhere at all times to the NMC The Code To observe and maintain strict confidentiality of personal information relating to patients and staff. To be responsible, with management support, for their own personal development and to actively contribute to the development of colleagues. "}