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Write a very short cover letter in British English to Barts Health NHS Trust for the job below that I found on jobsincare.com
Senior Clinical Fellow in Critical Care Medicine with Barts Health NHS Trust in London
Senior Clinical Fellow in Critical Care Medicine (up to 1 year, fixed term) with a special interest in follow-up after criticalillness.This post is suitable for applicants who wish to pursue a career as a consultant in intensive care medicine. It is equallysuited to those still in training and those in possession of a Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training who wish togain experience in critical care follow-up before taking up a consultant post. Please refer to the table below for essentialand desirable criteria.This fellowship aims to provide experience and training in delivering follow-up after critical illness and in cardiothoraciccritical care. Have sufficient knowledge/experience to be able to deliver/lead a critical care follow-up service in a consultant role Have delivered elements of service evaluation and implemented improvements and innovations in the delivery ofcritical care follow-up Appreciate the role of the multi-professional team in delivering critical care follow-up Understand the relationship between secondary/tertiary care and community/primary care in delivering care forpatients and their families Be able to involve patients and families in evaluating, improving and delivering critical care follow-up Understand the elements required to deliver a successful peer-support program. Know the key literature and national guidance/quality standards with regard to life after critical illness. Have prepared an abstract/poster for presentation at a national/international meeting Have prepared a paper for publication in a peer-reviewed journal About us Have sufficient knowledge/experience to be able to deliver/lead a critical care follow-up service in a consultant role Have delivered elements of service evaluation and implemented improvements and innovations in the delivery of critical care follow-up Appreciate the role of the multi-professional team in delivering critical care follow-up. Understand the relationship between secondary/tertiary care and community/primary care in delivering care for patients and their families. Be able to involve patients and families in evaluating, improving and delivering critical care follow-up. Understand the elements required to deliver a successful peer-support program. Know the key literature and national guidance/quality standards with regard to life after critical illness. Have prepared an abstract/poster for presentation at a national/international meeting Have prepared a paper for publication in a peer-reviewed journal