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Write a very short cover letter in British English to University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust (UHBW) for the job below that I found on jobsincare.com
Clinical Fellow ED + 20% Community Emergency Medicine Service with University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust (UHBW) in Bristol
The post will be a combination of service provision including out of hours and paid time to develop a specialist interest. The candidate is to combine a job in Emergency Medicine with a 20% time allowance for a specialist interest. The senior clinical fellow posts include 80% time working in the adult emergency department and 20% paid time to develop in a specialist interest of the successful candidate's choice. The posts are open as OOPT/E for EM HSTs and as stand-alone posts for non-trainees and can be 100% EM if required. We are also open to SAS and Specialty Doctors. Applicants should hold a relevant postgraduate qualification (MRCEM, MRCP, MRCS, FRCA or equivalent), and should be ST4 + or equivalent, having completed a minimum of 3 years in approved SHO posts (Post Foundation Medicine) or equivalent in relevant acute specialities including at least 1 year in Emergency Medicine. Clinical The reception, diagnosis and emergency treatment of patients presenting to the adult Emergency Department. The successful candidate will be given supervision and support from senior medical staff to develop competency in the autonomous clinical management of these patients whilst ensuring patient safety. This post is based in the adult Emergency Department and no sessions will be undertaken in the paediatric Emergency Department. There is close liaison between ED and ICU at BRI. Patients referred to Specialist Units within the hospital are the responsibility of that specialist team, who will see the patient in the Emergency Department and arrange appropriate care. However, medical and nursing staff in the ED are responsible for any emergency care necessary. This shared care is seamless and collaborative. Managerial The management responsibility of the post holder will be to the Clinical Director who is responsible to the Chief Executive and Trust Board. . About us For this post the 20% speciality Interest will be in the Community Emergency Medicine Service (CEMS). Our Bristol Community Emergency Medicine is looking to recruit Emergency Medicine ST4 equivalent (or higher) with a specific interest in community care and pathway development. 20% of their time would be dedicated to Community Emergency Medicine; working with the Specialist Paramedics in Urgent and Emergency Care, responding to the whole spectrum of prehospital cases and assisting crews in assessment and treatment on scene. Clinical Audit and Clinical Governance The post holder must be aware of clinical governance and clinical risk management and take an active part in their implementation, including audit. Clinical audit is established at the BRI. They will participate in at least one supervised audit project during the 12 month post and will be encouraged to attend interdisciplinary clinical governance meetings. On-Call Commitment In ED the roster is a full shift system. Shifts are a balanced mix of earlies, mids, lates, and nights. The posts pay will be calculated by HR and will be compliant with the new regulations set in Aug 2017