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Write a very short cover letter in British English to Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust for the job below that I found on jobsincare.com
Senior Clinical Fellow in Diabetes & Endocrinology with Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust in London
A Senior clinical fellow in Diabetes and Endocrinology is required to work as a Trust Doctor (ST3+ equivalent) at the Royal Free Hospital, London, on the Hampstead site. This is an ideal opportunity to work in a busy but well supported department with a team of highly motivated consultants and trainees. The candidate to provide care for patients for designated Consultant/ team at ward level and receive support/ training from both SpRs and Consultant staff.and will have access to the full range of in-house educational opportunities afforded to other trainees. This post is suitable for a trainee with CMT experience who wishes to gain more experience in Diabetes and Endocrinology, and would provide excellent preparation for a candidate considering an application for Diabetes and Endocrinology specialty training. Although not a training post per se, the focus within our department is strongly on developing our junior doctors and the post holder will be able to access similar educational opportunities within the hospital as our training registrars. There will be an opportunity to undertake educational, academic or quality improvement projects whilst in post. The post holder will take part in diabetes and endocrine inpatient ward rounds and in outpatient diabetes and endocrine clinics. The post holder will also be part of the Trust Acute on call rota Provide care of acute inpatients under the guidance of the senior staff and will include assisting the Consultants at outpatient clinics and participation in the acute medical on call rota. Provide supervision to the F1, F2, IMT, GP training Junior Doctors Be expected to provide teaching to nursing and/ or ancillary staff and under graduate students. Be expected to participate in audits and research as arranged by the firms. Perform duties in occasional emergencies and unforeseen circumstances at the request of the appropriate consultant, in consultation where practicable with their colleagues both senior and junior. The Clinical Fellow will belong to Endocrinology which consists of 7 consultants. Duties include participation in the medical registrar acute on call rota To attend monthly Directorate of Medicine meeting which includes Audit About us MAIN DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Provide care of acute inpatients under the guidance of the senior staff and will include assisting the Consultants at outpatient clinics and participation in the acute medical on call rota. Provide supervision to the F1, F2, IMT, GP training Junior Doctors Be expected to provide teaching to nursing and/ or ancillary staff and under graduate students. Be expected to participate in audits and research as arranged by the firms. Perform duties in occasional emergencies and unforeseen circumstances at the request of the appropriate consultant, in consultation where practicable with their colleagues both senior and junior. The Clinical Fellow will belong to Endocrinology which consists of 7 consultants. Duties include participation in the medical registrar acute on call rota To attend monthly Directorate of Medicine meeting which includes Audit Duties of the SCF post holder: The post holder will have access to similar training opportunities as regular rotation ST3+ posts. The post holder will take part in diabetes and endocrine inpatient ward rounds and in outpatient diabetes and endocrine clinics. Development opportunities The post holder will be encouraged to further their own continuing professional development and will be provided with opportunities to take part in a wide range of activities and courses. GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES Infection Control Infection control is everyones responsibility. All staff, both clinical and non clinical, are required to adhere to the Trusts Infection Prevention and Control policies and procedures and the Health Act (2006) Code of Practice for the prevention and control healthcare associated infections and make every effort to maintain high standards of infection control at all times thereby reducing the risk of Healthcare Associated infections. It is the duty of every member of staff to take personal responsibility for the prevention and control of infection, as laid down in the Trusts polices and procedures which reflect the statutory requirements of the Hygiene Code. To work in close collaboration with the Infection Control Team. To ensure that monitoring of clinical practice is undertaken at the agreed frequency. To ensure that the ward environments are cleaned and maintained to the highest standards; ensuring that shortfalls are rectified, or escalate as necessary. To ensure that all relevant monitoring data and issues are provided to the Directorates Governance structures. To ensure that all staff are released to attend infection control-related educational sessions and staff with specialist roles, e.g. link practitioners, are released to undertake their duties. Health and Safety at Work The post holder is required to: Take reasonable care for the health and safety of himself/herself and other persons who may be affected by their actions or omissions at work. Co-operate with the employer in ensuring that all statutory and other requirements are complied with. Confidentiality & Data Protection The post holder has a responsibility to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 and maintain confidentiality of staff, patients and Trust business. If you are required to process information, you should do so in a fair and lawful way, ensuring accuracy is maintained. You should hold information only for the specific registered purpose and not use or disclose it in any way incompatible with such a purpose. You should disclose information only to authorised persons or organisations as instructed. Breaches of confidentiality in relation to information will result in disciplinary action, which may include dismissal. Employees are expected to comply with all Trust policies and procedures and to work in accordance of the Data Protection Act 1998. For those posts where there is management or supervision of other staff it is the responsibility of that employee to ensure that their staff receive appropriate training (e.g. HISS induction, organising refresher sessions for staff when necessary.) Conflict of Interest The Trust is responsible for ensuring that the services for patients in its care meet the highest standards. Equally, it is responsible for ensuring that staff do not abuse their official position, to gain or benefit themselves, their family or friends. Equality and Diversity The Trust values equality and diversity in employment and in the services we provide. It is committed to promoting equality and diversity in employment and will keep under review our policies and procedures to ensure that the job related needs of all staff working in the Trust are recognised. The Trust aims to ensure that all job applicants, employees or clients are treated fairly and valued equally regardless of sex, marital status, domestic circumstances, age, race, colour, disablement, ethnic or national origin, social background or employment status, sexual orientation, religion, beliefs, HIV status, gender reassignment, political affiliation or trade union membership.Selection for training and development and promotion will be on the basis of the individuals ability to meet the requirements for the job. You are responsible for ensuring that the Trusts policies, procedures and obligation in respect of promoting equality and diversity are adhered to in relation to both staff and services.