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Write a very short cover letter in British English to Whittington Hospital NHS Trust for the job below that I found on jobsincare.com
Finance Manager with Whittington Hospital NHS Trust in London
This is a fantastic opportunity to join a dynamic and high performing organisation. The role of Finance Manager will ensure the provision of a comprehensible management accounting service to a range of clinical areas and provide financial advice and support to the division's Director of Operations, Managers and their teams. The service includes preparations of annual budgets, monitoring and reporting budget variances, forecasting, analysing unit/activity costs, evaluating cost improvement programmes, monitoring achievement of savings targets, assisting the budget holders with the preparation of business plans and capital investment appraisals. Attendance at other meetings related to financial management of the Trust. Please see the Job Description and the Persons Specification for further details about the job role. If you are unable to access the PDF, the details of the job description can also be found in the 'Detailed Job Description and Main responsibilities' section. About us A. Management Accounting and Financial Management. 1. To ensure the provision of a management accounting service that is agreed and acceptable to both the Chief Finance Officer and the Director of Operations. 2. To ensure the team provide monthly statements and other relevant financial information to the Division's according to agreed timetables, together with appropriate interpretation and advice. 3. To ensure monthly reconciliation of budget adjustments are provided by the team. 4. To analyse and report significant budget variances and unit/activity unit costs to both the Head of Finance/Assistant Director of Finance Financial Management and Director of Operations and to discuss with the Directors and Division's Managers, remedial actions where appropriate. 5. To hold regular meetings with the Director of Operations and/or Divisional and Service Managers in order to identify and provide the required financial management support. 6. To work closely with other finance teams and the Division to produce forecasts of expenditure and income. 7. To work closely with other finance teams to ensure a smooth closedown of accounts at year-end. 8. To ensure that the consolidated annual budget is produced to the timetable set, working with the Head of Finance/ Assistant Director of Finance Financial Management as appropriate. B. Service Planning and Development 9. To work closely with the Director of Operations and General / Service Managers 10. To work closely with Service Development and Performance Management on areas such as Business Planning, Service Reviews and performance Indicators. 11. To liaise with costing staff, sharing information concerning prices. 12. To liaise with Human Resources, Payroll and purchasing functions in the maintenance of financial controls relating to workforce establishment and procurement of goods and services. 13. To comply with Standing Financial Instructions, DOH guidance, Accounting Standards and Audit requirements and provide advice to Division on such matters. 14. To keep the Chief Finance Officer informed of all issues, including reasons for variances, forecast outturns etc. To attend Finance Managers meetings, reporting to the Head of Finance on issues concerning the Division's performance, including reasons for variances, forecast outturn and financial recovery programmes. 15. To continuously review and develop systems and procedures within the Section, both to increase efficiency and to comply with any new guidelines issued (internal, external or Audit guidelines). To work with IT and Systems Managers to improve service delivery of the team. 16. To economically evaluate business cases, tenders, service developments and costs pressures. 17. To undertake financial modelling and analysis as required using advanced spreadsheet skills, database packages and the Trusts ledger and other feeder systems. C. Management Duties and Responsibilities. 18. To ensure the team are given appropriate training to enable them to carry out their duties effectively, and ensure staff development within the given resources available. 19. To carry out staff appraisal and development meetings for all direct report staff. 20. To manage staff development for the team and be responsible for grievance and disciplinary procedure where necessary and in accordance with department policy. D. Other Duties. 21. To represent the Head of Finance/ Assistant Director of Finance Financial Management at meetings as required. 22. To attend eg the Bank and Agency Forum, the Procurement group etc and report on performance and related issues. 23. To provide other information and reports to external health organisations as required. 24. To attend other external meetings concerning financial management. 25. To undertake budget training programmes for non-financial managers within the trust. 26. To carry out any other appropriate duties commensurate with the grade, as requested by the Head of Finance/ Assistant Director of Finance Financial Management, or other Executive Director. Additional duties/responsibilities This job description is a working document and subject to review and change with the needs of the service in agreement with the post holder. This job profile is intended to provide an outline of the duties and responsibilities of this post and may change from time to time by agreement of the Manager and the post holder.Following consultation post holders may be required to do other duties commensurate with their grade and experience for short periods of time.