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Write a very short cover letter in British English to Health Services Laboratories for the job below that I found on jobsincare.com
Senior Biomedical Scientist, Blood Transfusion with Health Services Laboratories in London
We have an exciting opportunity for an enthusiastic and committed advanced Biomedical Scientist. This role will be working closely with the Head of Blood Transfusion in managing a skilled team of senior and advanced Biomedical scientists and support staff with responsibility for providing a comprehensive, high quality 24/7 Blood Transfusion service for University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (UCLH). Our laboratory processes on average 85,000 group and screens per annum, and as a tertiary referral centre, you as part of your role will support the transfusion service to UCLH. This service is not limited to routine transfusion service provision, but captures the following areas- haemoglobinopathy services. TTP referral , Haematology -oncology , and foetal medicine- some of these services are the largest of it type in the U.K This role is suited to a scientist who wants to develop their knowledge and hands on experience of complex transfusion science, in combination with the logistics of delivering services to a large group of hospitals. We operate an extensive network of remote issue fridges across the hospital footprints. To meet the operational demands of the lab, you will need excellent interpersonal skills, be highly organised and able to delegate in order to keep operations running efficiently and effectively. There is significant amount of floor management in this role. We are a team who are passionate about patient safety and quality. HSL 60 WSL is a licensed blood establishment, and a good working knowledge of GMP principles as the apply to blood transfusion services is important. About us Main duties 1. To co-ordinate and participate in the routine processing of specimens and issue of blood components; and to allocate work to the other BMS and MLA staff to ensure a smooth workflow. 2. To ensure that for each sample the appropriate requested investigations are performed in a timely manner. 3. To ensure that specialised and urgent specimens are appropriately dealt with. 4. To liaise with the NHSBT reference laboratories and clinicians for the follow-up of specialist investigations or the provision or compatible blood components for patients with complicated serology. 5. To ensure timely and accurate reporting of manual work results with correct follow-up including input of additional testing requirements, correct report comments, future testing instructions and patient special blood component requirements into the computer system. 6. To supervise operation, cleaning and maintenance of laboratory surfaces and equipment and all blood component storage facilities (both within the laboratory and in the clinical areas) according to GMP departmental and manufacturers protocols and procedures. 7. To inspect documentation and records including but not limited to QC, QA, cleaning, maintenance, temperature monitoring, equipment service and repair, incident reports etc. to ensure compliance with GMP standards. 8. To assist in the development of rotas to ensure correct skill mix to support essential daily transfusion services, and to liaise with other senior BMS staff to ensure continuous 24/7 cover. 9. To be proficient in the use and functions of the information technology systems within the department, including some administrative functions as appropriate