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Write a very short cover letter in British English to University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust for the job below that I found on jobsincare.com
Senior Clinical Fellow in Emergency Medicine with University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust in Plymouth
University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust is the largest hospital in the Southwest peninsula and the major trauma centre (MTC) for the South West of England within the Peninsula Trauma Network, providing comprehensive secondary and tertiary healthcare. The Emergency Department (ED) currently sees more than 100,000 patients per year. The Peninsula is a largely rural region with very few centres with a large urban population. The overall population of the region is approximately 1.67million, which can increase by an extra 1 million people in the peak holiday season. The ED facilities currently include a 7-bay resuscitation room (with co-located CT scanner), 21 majors cubicles, a separate ambulatory majors area, a minors area, a dedicated paediatric area, 2 small theatres and a plaster room, a seminar room, break room, and offices. A £160m rebuild of the ED is planned to commence in early 2023, with a scheduled opening in November 2025, as part of the Future Hospitals Programme. This will provide a state-of-the-art ED suitable for our growing population. There is an establishment of 28 consultants (approximately 20 WTE), 30 Middle grade doctors (including one Associate Specialist, nine Higher Specialty Trainees and four CT3 level doctors), with additional junior doctors, Acute Care Practitioners and Nurse Practitioners sharing the workload. There is an establishment of nursing staff, led by a matron, and supported by a variable number of Ministry of Defence nurses and MAs. Our department also benefits from close links with the military, the British Antarctic Survey Medical Unit (BASMU), Devon Air Ambulance (DAAT), and the medical school. We have a strong academic department undertaking our own research and portfolio studies. We are a teaching hospital with significant input into undergraduate medical, nursing and paramedic education, along with postgraduate training at all levels. About us This job is an opportunity work in a major hospital, in a well-run and supervised ED, whilst making a lifestyle choice. Plymouth is a large university city set on the coast, at the border of Devon and Cornwall, with an active cultural scene. Leisure opportunities are broad. Schooling is excellent, with high quality primary and secondary schools (including grammar). Road and rail links mean we arent as far away from the rest of the UK as you would think . just far enough! You will be allocated a clinical supervisor for the duration of your post.