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Write a very short cover letter in British English to University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust for the job below that I found on jobsincare.com
Band 6 Urgent and Emergency Care Practitioner with University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust in Coventry
This role is diverse and includes supporting effective prehospital clinical pathways to prevent avoidable hospital admissions and delivering clinical interventions typically seen within secondary care settings for patient's that can be promptly identified and turned around at the front door back into their usual place of residence for acute treatment/s and monitoring. The role embodies holistic assessment for patients in acute crisis, whether a result of a medical or functional decline or an acute social need, with a focus on preventative care and wrap around services within community to prevent hospital admission. Referrals into the service will come from a wide range of streams including, hospital, primary care, community referrals, pre-hospital, and the ambulance service. The role incorporates the daily application of/willingness to work towards the Physical Health Assessment qualification to enhance the initial assessment for patients presenting with acute, undifferentiated diagnoses. This cohort of patients can be referred from a variety of referral streams including local ambulance services, primary and secondary care services, and adult social care with a focus on providing a first responder function for cases such as the fallen patient. The role includes supporting clinical triage to ensure patients' needs are comprehensively explored and identified allowing safe signposting to the right service/clinician to meet individual needs. The post holder will be required to have a full driving license and care able to be insured for business use. Accountable for own actions in accordance with the Code of Professional Conduct. Contribute to corporate objectives, acting within local, Trust and statutory guidelines and policies at all times. Effectively communicate information regarding clinical decisions, policy and care pathways to patients/carers and the multi-professional team including situations where difficulties in comprehension occur. A skilled practitioner and clinical leader providing support to the management team, participating in service/policy development. Responsible for clinical assessment of a group of patients, ensuring appropriate care is planned, implemented, and evaluated. To implement the skills achieved via the physical health assessment qualification to ensure safe initial assessment for patients. To continue reviewing patients medically stepped down for crisis response, ensuring safe and clinically appropriate discharge planning. To safely access and supply service approved Patient Group Directives following the completion of training, whilst adhering to agreed processes About us To maintain knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to deliver an evidence-based service that is responsive to the changing needs of the population. To provide clinical supervision and leadership, to junior team members. To be responsible for the provision of effective earning experiences for pre-and post-registration students To coordinate the delivery of care for patients and act as a clinical resource within the team. Clinically triage and safely signpost referrals to the most appropriate service, ensuring patients needs are met, using clinical support tools available to support decision making. Undertake comprehensive risk assessments associated with the care of patients in order to ensure nurses and carers safety and reflect realistic goal planning to enable patients to maximise their independence. Act as a role model for other staff and students demonstrating high standards of practice and professional conduct. Ensure practice is evidence based through undertaking audit and critically appraising literature. Ability to work without direct supervision and problem solve with a solution focused mindset. To be confident in undertaking dynamic risk assessments and competent in situational moving and handling with a demonstrated competence in the safe utilisation of an array of equipment post completion of corporate and additional training. Competent to assess and close trauma wound/s using steri-strips and skin adhesives as clinically appropriate. Demonstrate highly technical and/or practical skills to ensure optimum patient management including; administration of IV medications, venous cannulation, venepuncture, management and care of mid and PICC lines, complex patient monitoring; equipment management and Point of care Testing. Utilise and ensure others utilise IT systems to secure accurate and timely patient data. Ability to work in a matrix model of care, in collaboration with other organisations and agencies, ensuring high standard of care delivery. Manage expected (and occasional unexpected) clinical events requiring high but unpredictable levels of physical effort according to patient dependency/clinical need, escalating to a senior member of staff where appropriate e.g., in an unexpected event. Support patients, carers and others during difficult situations arising in the clinical area, e.g., imparting bad news or following an unexpected event. Promote and monitor adherence to Health and Safety and Trust policy designed to protect healthcare staff and service users from known hazards. Maintain a clean, safe environment ensuring adherence to the trusts standards of cleanliness, hygiene, and infection control at all times. For further details of the role please see the attached job description.