Dietetic Assistant Care CoordinatorinLondoninLondonPUBLISHED FRI 7 JUN 2024

Job Title: Dietetic Assistant Care Coordinator

Salary: £30,279 per annum

per annum

Hours: 37.5 hours per week

Responsible to: Dietitian Lead

Key Relationships: General Practice, One Westminster, Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL), Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust (CLCH).


Healthcare Central London is the GP Federation covering the Central London CCG area. The organisation supports 33 General Practices and 4 Primary Care Networks (PCNs). We operate a number of NHS contracts including a Care Navigation Service, a Clinical Pharmacy Service, a Community Dermatology Service, and Partnership in Practice (PiP) - an out-of-hospitals provision which is sub-contracted to its 33 General Practice members.

Our vision is to be recognised as a leading GP provider network, run by clinicians for the benefit of our local population. We will achieve this by working with patients and partners to ensure that general practice remains sustainable and independent.

Our approach is to deliver exceptional assistance to our 34 General Practice members and to operate our NHS contracts in a manner that supports our Practices and their patients by providing services economically, locally, promptly, and in a familiar environment.

Now in our 13th year we look forward to our continued growth and to contributing a voice for General Practice in the planned Integrated Care System (ICS).


Care Coordinators play an important role within a PCN to proactively work with people, including the frail/elderly and those with long-term conditions, to provide coordination and navigation of care and support across health and care services.

The Dietitian Team are looking for a Dietitian Assistant Care Coordinator to support the work of the dynamic work across the Dietitian Service. This includes triage, proactive case finding of patients with cardiometabolic risk factors, making referrals to other specialist services, liaising with MDT and supporting with group education and group consultations. We provide a high-quality service to all our patients and practices and believe in exceptional patient care.

There will be innovative and exciting services launching which will change the way we provide services to our patients. This includes on hand training for practices, webinars and educational talks to GPs, healthcare professionals and also patient webinars. This role will play a central role on the delivery of such services.



  • To work without direct supervision but under the direction of the qualified staff in the performance of specific tasks for an individual or group of non-complex patients as part of their treatment programmes. Duties may include:
  • Implementation of treatment plans
  • Assessing nutritional intake and taking diet histories
  • Independently evaluating and progressing patients dietetic care plan
  • Deliver nutrition support / basic dietary advice
  • Advising and educating patients where necessary on menu options and foods suitable for their dietary needs
  • To be competent in the safe use of anthropometric equipment under the supervision of a Dietitian.
  • Identifying food and drink preferences as necessary regarding snacks and supplements
  • Carrying own caseload of non-complex patients including decisions on discharge
  • Providing education to patients, relatives and ward staff
  • Direct assistance to qualified staff with more complex patients
  • Onward referral. Signpost to external agencies and organisations
  • To send relevant nutrition/care information to patients as directed by the supervising Dietitian/Triage Team
  • To write progress notes in a concise, accurate and timely manner in line with departmental standards. These notes do not require qualified staff to countersignature
  • To be aware at all times of the needs of patients during illness or disability and to promote and encourage suitable nutrition strategies
  • To undertake any non-clinical / clerical duties as necessary. This may include dealing with telephone calls, arranging training, recruiting patients for group consultations, completing onwards referrals.
  • To be actively involved in the communication of information regarding patients conditions and any other useful information to the dietitians and other members of the multidisciplinary team
  • To communicate effectively with patients and carers. Communication skills of persuasion, motivations and explanation will be required. Barriers to communication may include loss of hearing, altered perception, pain and language disorders.
  • To be involved in the delivery, collection, cleaning and maintenance of dietetic equipment.
  • Working alongside practice staff to facilitate appropriate dietary measures are in place.
  • Support proactive case finding of patients through running reports on SystmOne to support the Dietitian Team with identifying patients who need Oral Nutritional Supplement reviews, or recruit for group consultations


  • To provide referral management and appointment booking
  • To develop and maintain a knowledge of service pathways and criteria.
  • To enable the impact of the service to be assessed and to inform the improvement of other local services by keeping electronic records of all referrals and interventions.
  • To contact patients by SMS, telephone, email or letter to update them on their appointments
  • Reviewing and processing referrals received from GP Practices
  • Actively call patients with a view to assisting them through the process and making their onward appointments into Dietetics, either within the Primary Care team, or the most relevant Dietetic department
  • Booking of appointments for appropriate referrals
  • Dealing appropriately with any booking or change request calls (or other correspondence), i.e. alteration of appointment booking or cancellation, that this is documented clearly on the patient record
  • Maintain records of all activities carried out, i.e. outbound calls, calls received, archiving any received correspondence.
  • Provi


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