Further information about the Trust and this role can be found on the Job Description and Person Specification document attached.
We are happy to talk Flexible Working - all requests for flexible working options can be discussed as part of the interview process.
Shakespeare Road Medical Practice (SRMP) acutely faces many of the challenges being experienced more widely in Primary Care: recruitment and retention of staff, rising demand and increasing complexity. The practice has struggled for a number of years to respond to these challenges and in addition, is located in an area of higher than average social deprivation leading to increased population need.
As such, the traditional Partnership model for delivery of Primary Care is unable to meet the local need to provide a sustainable model of care and so a novel, system wide approach, reflecting the ambitions of the Fuller Stocktake review, has been established.
SRMP has a registered population of 13462 patients delivered through an APMS contract held by Southern Health Foundation Trust (SHFT). A memorandum of understanding between SHFT, Hampshire Hospitals Foundation Trust, Solent NHS Trust, North Hampshire Urgent Care and the Integrated Care Board is in place to understand and address the population need through a local community-based partnership approach.
In addition, SRMP is a standalone Primary Care Network which provides a unique opportunity to deliver a truly integrated, broad, neighbourhood team approach to primary care as outlined in the Fuller Stocktake.
We are keen to appoint an innovative consultant practitioner who is excited by frailty development, new opportunities that are evolving in primary care, integrated neighbourhood teams and modern general practice.
The post holder will be required to work automatously to:
Establish values based professional expert and evidence-based practice across pathways, services, organisations, and system working with individuals, families, carers, communities, and others.
Provide values-based leadership across the care pathway, services, and systems in complex and changing situations.
Develop staff potential, add to, and transform the workforce, and help people to learn, develop and improve (in and from practice) to promote excellence.
Develop a 'knowledge-rich and inquiry' culture across the service and system that contributes to research outputs and has a positive effect on development, quality, innovation, increasing capacity and capability, and making systems more effective.
Establishing expertise across the system and nationally by using consultancy approaches and opportunities that have maximum impact on practice, services, communities, and populations, and which add to and sustain workforce capacity and capability.
Further information about the Trust and this role can be found on the Job Description and Person Specification document attached.
We are happy to talk Flexible Working - all requests for flexible working options can be discussed as part of the interview process.
Shakespeare Road Medical Practice (SRMP) acutely faces many of the challenges being experienced more widely in Primary Care: recruitment and retention of staff, rising demand and increasing complexity. The practice has struggled for a number of years to respond to these challenges and in addition, is located in an area of higher than average social deprivation leading to increased population need.
As such, the traditional Partnership model for delivery of Primary Care is unable to meet the local need to provide a sustainable model of care and so a novel, system wide approach, reflecting the ambitions of the Fuller Stocktake review, has been established.
SRMP has a registered population of 13462 patients delivered through an APMS contract held by Southern Health Foundation Trust (SHFT). A memorandum of understanding between SHFT, Hampshire Hospitals Foundation Trust, Solent NHS Trust, North Hampshire Urgent Care and the Integrated Care Board is in place to understand and address the population need through a local community-based partnership approach.
In addition, SRMP is a standalone Primary Care Network which provides a unique opportunity to deliver a truly integrated, broad, neighbourhood team approach to primary care as outlined in the Fuller Stocktake.
We are keen to appoint an innovative consultant practitioner who is excited by frailty development, new opportunities that are evolving in primary care, integrated neighbourhood teams and modern general practice.
The post holder will be required to work automatously to:
Establish values based professional expert and evidence-based practice across pathways, services, organisations, and system working with individuals, families, carers, communities, and others.
Provide values-based leadership across the care pathway, services, and systems in complex and changing situations.
Develop staff potential, add to, and transform the workforce, and help people to learn, develop and improve (in and from practice) to promote excellence.
Develop a 'knowledge-rich and inquiry' culture across the service and system that contributes to research outputs and has a positive effect on development, quality, innovation, increasing capacity and capability, and making systems more effective.
Establishing expertise across the system and nationally by using consultancy approaches and opportunities that have maximum impact on practice, services, communities, and populations, and which add to and sustain workforce capacity and capability.