Psychological Professions within Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust (LSCft)
Thank you for your interest in joining the Psychological Professions workforce within LSCft.
Our psychological professions work into a range of different mental health, physical health and learning disability services across the lifespan within the trust.
We are involved in a range of important activities which align with the aims of the trust to improve health, deliver the best possible care and value for money and have joy and pride in the work that we do. They include one to one and group psychological therapy utilising a range of modalities, psychological assessments, staff team reflective practice, teaching and sharing psychological knowledge and expertise, service development and striving for excellence and quality improvement, research opportunities and embedding psychological theory and practice across the trust. Supervision is an essential aspect of all of the psychological professional roles to ensure safe and high quality practice.
LSCft has a clear professional leadership structure for psychological professions. LSCft is organised in to five networks (Pennine, Central and West, Fylde Coast, The Bay and Specialist Network). Each of the networks has an Associate Director for Psychological Professions who reports directly to our Director for Psychological Professions and our Director for Psychological Professions reports directly to the Chief Nursing Officer.
We encourage psychological professionals to continue to develop throughout their careers, offering internal training opportunities and supporting the pursuit of agreed external training. We have an emerging programme of leadership development that our psychological professionals can access along with support to facilitate project work which may link to wider psychological strategy within the trust’s footprint. We also encourage our staff to consider how items on your appraisal may link to local, regional and national priorities to allow you to feel part of the wider psychological professional workforce.
Within the trust we have a Psychological Practice Governance Group (PPGG). The PPGG is responsible for monitoring, advising and reviewing all psychological practice and therapies on the Trust register. They make updates to reflect changes in National and Local policy. The PPGG provide oversight on psychological issues relevant to service, clinical audit, service redesign and workforce planning. We also have a Psychological Professional Leadership Forum, and planning work has commenced to develop a regular CPD programme. We also have a number of Special Interest Groups.
We currently have two peer forums; our Newly Qualified Psychologist Group and our Pre-Qualified Psychology Group.
The trust has a comprehensive staff well-being support offer and we also have an established Schwartz round programme open to all staff.
We really look forward to receiving your application to join our psychological professions workforce within LSCft and we thank you for your interest.
Please do not apply on this landing page, instead click the below links to apply.
We currently have the following Psychology vacancies across the Trust:
- Clinical Psychologist Principal, Band 7/8a, Blackpool Fylde & Wyre (351-FYL494-CLK-D
- Clinical, Counselling or Health Psychologist, Band 8a, Preston (351-CEN960-LW-D)
- Principal Clinical Psychologist, Band 8b, Central Lancashire Home Based Treatment Team (351-CEN1LG)
- Principal Clinical Psychologist, Band 8b, Children and Young People’s Psychological Service (CYPPS), Blackpool (351-SPS1177-LG)
- Principal Clinical Psychologist, Band 8a, Lancaster and Kendal (351-BAY678-LW)
For further details / informal visits contact: Name: Recruitment Job title: Recruitment Team Email address:
For details of contact persons for the posts, please click on the link to the role you are interested in.