Practice Educator - Health VisitinginOldburyinOldburyPUBLISHED MON 25 DEC 2023

Band 7: £46,148 to £52,809 a year per annum  PERMANENT 

Please see attached Job Description and Person Specification for full details of what this role entails

Are you a registered health visitor with a passion for training and education? If so this role may be for you. We are looking for a motivated and passionate health visitor to undertake the role of Practice Educator (Previously Practice Teacher).

Applications are welcomed from experienced, committed, energetic health visitors who can demonstrate a proven track record in clinical practice, innovation, leadership, commitment and an interest in providing training and developing the health visiting workforce to meet the needs of vulnerable families.

You must have a Community Practice Teacher/ Educator qualification (or equivalent) and be an experienced, registered SCPHN Health Visitor.

This is an exciting opportunity to help develop health visiting practice and to join a team who are passionate about delivering the best to the local community.

The Practice Educator is responsible for the recruitment, teaching and assessment of student SCPHN Health Visitors alongside supporting and developing the Health Visiting Workforce. The Practice Educator will also hold a caseload of families delivering the healthy child programme alongside their teaching role.

The Practice Educator will support with policy development and undertaking clinical audit, feeding back audit findings to the workforce.

The Practice Educator will develop programmes of training for student health visitors and the health visitor workforce and will support in the delivery of these programmes. This includes training for student health visitors, the preceptorship programme, healthy child practitioners, community nursery nurses and health visitors.

The Practice Educator will identify learning needs within the workforce and will support in addressing these learning needs.


Locations are approximate. Learn more